Once you start using reason, you end up with the Holocaust.

May 03, 2013 19:29

On Fox News, Christian Activist Claims the Age of Enlightenment Led to the Holocaust

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When normal people think of the Enlightenment, they think of Newton, Locke, Voltaire, Spinoza, Montesquieu, Goethe, Paine, Jefferson -- and the ideas that helped launch the American Revolution. When crazy right-wing Christians think of the Enlightenment, they ( Read more... )

fox news, god save us from your followers, fox & friends

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Comments 16

that_which May 4 2013, 15:11:08 UTC
OK, I realize I'm just belaboring the obvious here, because CWA have a long, long history of hiring crazy people (Sandy Rios, who had this woman's job before she did, is a raging antisemitic conspiracy theorist), but is this woman actually saying that the nazis - whose goal for women, like CWA's, was Kinder, Küche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church) - chose jews to exterminate because they left God out of it?

Who exactly were the jews supposed to have killed to 'deserve' their historical mistreatment in Europe, Roger Rabbit?


atheistkathleen May 4 2013, 15:20:58 UTC

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recorded May 4 2013, 16:47:07 UTC

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yeats May 4 2013, 17:09:20 UTC
eh, it's not the dumbest argument i've ever heard. sure, the person talking is an idiot, and the solution she proposes is laughable, given the entirety of human history, but there's a lot of serious philosophy and critical theory that basically takes a similar standpoint.

for an intelligent and challenging version of this argument, see adorno and horkheimer's dialectic of enlightenment, published during teh war in 1944. both of them were jews who fled the nazis, and this is how they start their book: "Enlightenment, understood in the widest sense as the advance of thought, has always aimed at liberating human beings from fear and installing them as masters. Yet the wholly enlightened earth is radiant with triumphant calamity.."


underlankers May 4 2013, 18:00:14 UTC
Oh, for God's sakes. I mean really, the argument that rejecting God led to the mentality that 'in fighting against the Jew I do the work of the Lord," is a damn humbug. If the argument had been made about the Soviet Union and its treatment of religions ranging from Judaism to tribal cults to Buddhism and Islam and Christianity, then there might have been something of a case for what happens when atheism gets a state invested in pushing it being just as bad as all the religions that get this. The Nazis? Pathetic. Fucking pathetic.


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