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Comments 28

tinylegacies April 29 2013, 18:02:25 UTC
So, mom, who has been insisting in the media that her precious angels would never do something like this, has been recorded discussing it? Interesting.


bluebombardier April 29 2013, 18:36:00 UTC
It is possible to discuss something without meaning to carry it out. Like zombie apocalypse contingency plans. Everybody I know has one, and can spend hours debating chainsaw vs. flamethrower as viable weapons and whether or not it's wise to camp out at a farm vs. a supermarket. It's a fun thought exercise that isn't likely to be useful, but we engage in it anyway.

Tsarnaev's mother might have assumed the same of her son's talk. This isn't to say that they didn't equally discuss it with intent, just that there's a possibility she didn't while he did, and unless/until the Russian authorities release transcripts of these wiretaps, anything else we can think up is just conjecture and therefore kind of useless. Like zombie apocalypse contingency plans.


chaya April 29 2013, 19:31:19 UTC
The phone calls, as you say, could have been innocuous. It's the text messages that seem unambiguous to me.


gildinwen April 29 2013, 20:00:29 UTC
Well maybe not. What did she actually say about it. Did she agree with, him did she try to talk him round, to you know, not killing people. "He's says he's ready to die, etc what do I do?". There's still a measure of ambiguity


tabaqui April 29 2013, 18:34:44 UTC
Disappointing and sad, if true (and true in context). I saw her on the news last week and she seemed sincerely devastated and upset. Like her, i don't want to believe that discussing 'dying' for religion was something she supported.


bestdaywelived April 29 2013, 22:57:37 UTC
She seemed more upset that the US had "set up" her precious angels and that they hated Islam than the actual reality that her sons allegedly bombed Boston, killing and maiming.


moonbladem April 29 2013, 20:51:20 UTC
Does anyone here know why she and her husband went back to Russia and left their sons here in the United States? Were there any news reports on the reason?


recorded April 29 2013, 22:09:32 UTC
IDK if this was related, but I saw in some news outlets that the mother might not come to the US now because if she does she will be arrested for previous theft charges.

I can't remember if it was from a valid source though.


bestdaywelived April 29 2013, 22:58:43 UTC
I heard it on NPR today and saw it on CNN and HuffPo. I'd say it's pretty reliable.


tallycola April 29 2013, 22:40:54 UTC
I'm really curious about this as well!


underlankers April 29 2013, 21:34:45 UTC
Hm.....even if the FBI had known about them beforehand, outside sci-fi stories nobody can arrest somebody for a hypothetical crime to be committed in the future in a state based on the rule of law. However it's not a shock that Putin's Russia is spying on dissidents (I predict that stories like this are going to lead to another LJ DDOS >.>). Too, given that this is Putin of the 'Turn Grozny into a 1945 photograph' approach of counter-terrorism, I wonder what purpose was served, if any, of Russia letting a known terrorist go out of Russia planning an attack on the USA? If he was sincerely planning this, then either Putin is far smarter than he seems and was perhaps hoping to engineer a new round of pretexts by this, or his regime is much more incompetent than he presents it as and in this regard far more typically Russian in terms of right hand knowing where the left hand is, let alone what it's doing.


mimblexwimble April 30 2013, 04:35:15 UTC
until they release what was said/texted, we can't possibly decide what she did or didn't know.


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