The poor spend all the money. Isn’t it obvious?

Mar 29, 2013 17:40

In a couple of weeks, the economy will be put right ( Read more... )

poverty, uk, spending

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Comments 74

ferriludant March 29 2013, 18:39:21 UTC
Brilliant, funny and true on this side of the Atlantic too.


the_physicist March 29 2013, 19:00:28 UTC
your government is also introducing a bedroom tax? XD

but yeah, the media just love to write about 'welfare queens' whenever cuts are on the agenda, just to make people try and believe they are necessary.


kittenmommy March 29 2013, 19:08:49 UTC

What's that, a tax on extra bedrooms?


the_physicist March 29 2013, 19:13:51 UTC
well, we call it the bedroom tax, but what it is in reality is that anyone on housing benefits who has more bedrooms that the government has deemed necessary lose 25% of their housing benefit payments.

this policy applies to the whole of the UK, even though it is primarily London that has a problem, for instance. not that i think the problem is actually created by housing benefit claimants rather than a lack of council housing being built or such like, nooooo... >_>


wikilobbying March 29 2013, 19:03:11 UTC
dang, that's a lot of snark. fits in perfectly around here.


kittenmommy March 29 2013, 19:09:27 UTC

Right? This was my favorite part:

Maybe that’s why most weeks there are stories in certain newspapers about a woman with 45 kids on benefits, who then bought a giraffe and now that’s on benefits but she said it was cramped so the council has put it up in the Shard, and two of the kids have got Compulsive Potting Disorder so they’ve been given a snooker table but she couldn’t be referee because she’s allergic to white gloves so the mayor has to do it, otherwise he’d be put in jail by Europe.

Then they quietly drop the story when it emerges that the reporter missed out the detail that although it did happen, it was in a dream he had while suffering from food poisoning.


tabaqui March 29 2013, 19:17:04 UTC
So, hatin' on the poor and terminal asshattery on *both* sides of the pond, then.

This is awesome in it's snarky perfection, and so very true.


crossfire March 29 2013, 19:52:45 UTC
I love good British snark. This is awesome.


darth_eldritch March 29 2013, 19:56:04 UTC
There needs to be a special place in hell/special form of instant karma for those who obsess over the poor and OMG how much they cost the taxpayer.


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