Santorum: Obama wants 'Godless' America; passion is on the left

Mar 15, 2013 14:02

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who very well may have been a Michigan primary win away from being the Republican nominee, gave a rousing defense of social values here at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
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religious politics, cry moar, scumbags, conservatives, christianity, republicans. lol, rick santorum, crybabies, fuck this guy, republicans, right-wing rage pimp

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Comments 40

underlankers March 15 2013, 21:15:00 UTC
Oh, Santorum opened his mouth again.


brucelynn March 15 2013, 21:26:41 UTC
he looks like he always has mayonnaise stored in his cheeks and under his tongue , I can't remember what his voice sounds like but I imagine it's a cross between Daffy Duck and Barney Rubble.


about like this kalijean March 16 2013, 01:18:40 UTC
wrestlingdog March 16 2013, 14:15:09 UTC


brucelynn March 15 2013, 21:21:29 UTC
Frothy is an irl Frond so it's amazing how he manages to spew so much nonsense from that tiny mouth of his .....

will only likely stoke speculation that he is thinking about another run in 2016.

I didn't know his nephew passed away , my condolences to the family

But about that second run ... can you not ?

I dunno maybe it's because I was born in the mid 80s , but I don't remember politicians being soooo outspoken and proud of the fact that they keep bringing religion into politics and I don't remember it being this rampant.


kittenmommy March 16 2013, 06:23:19 UTC

Wait... you know him IRL? D:


brucelynn March 16 2013, 06:25:12 UTC
LMAO noooooo

Frond is an internet meme


kittenmommy March 16 2013, 06:29:19 UTC

I've seen "frond" to mean "LJ Friend", so I was confused... because I couldn't imagine Mr. Frothy having an LJ, so I thought you must've been an IRL friend.



tigerdreams March 15 2013, 21:29:34 UTC
It's so bizarre to hear Rick Santorum (sorry, obligatory) talk about the country ~slouching toward godlessness~ when, as an actual atheist, I can't help but notice the surge in hyper-religiosity in the US in the past several years. My uterus has certainly noted the trend with some horror.


tabaqui March 15 2013, 21:58:42 UTC
Fucking this.


mollywobbles867 March 15 2013, 22:44:01 UTC
For real. I'm an atheist as well and I feel absolutely suffocated by the role religion is playing in our government.


ohmiya_sg March 15 2013, 23:06:50 UTC
Yep. I'd be overjoyed with an actual godless country.


dangomango March 15 2013, 21:43:23 UTC
Man, I *wish* Obama wanted a godless America, I'd invent a time machine just so I could go back in time and vote for him AGAIN.


tabaqui March 15 2013, 21:58:57 UTC
OH, for fuck's sake. STFU you repulsive jerk.


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