Kelly McParland: Irish compete for Canadian jobs; others prefer UI

Feb 13, 2013 17:07

'Kelly McParland: Irish compete for Canadian jobs; others prefer UI'

Let’s take two stories, compare them, and figure out what it says about Canadian attitudes.

Fuckery behind the cut... )

capitalism fuck yeah, classism, eat the rich, neocons, canada, flames on the side of my face, fuckery

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Comments 21

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romp February 14 2013, 04:05:42 UTC
I have literally been hearing that since the 1980s.


soleiltropiques February 14 2013, 04:03:43 UTC
"I also have to mention how typical it is of our government to open their arms to white immigrants from Europe yet close the doors to refugees, particularly the Roma."

Ain't that the truth.

And fuck big oil. I'd like to leave more than a stinking pile of shit to my great-grandchildren, thank you.


amorvincitnos February 14 2013, 03:39:35 UTC
This bullshit recently about EI being for "entitled" people and the whole "hey, let's force people into jobs at less than they were being paid before if they are keeping on EI too long" makes me rage. I previously lived in Windsor, Ontario. Unemployment rates there are awful. It can be prohibitively difficult to get a job ANYWHERE if you don't have connections of some sort. People with degrees (yes, even "practical" ones) and/or years of work experience work at the call centre or in fast food.

Now I live in Calgary, where you can work full-time and still be homeless because the cost of living is prohibitively high, but you know, everyone should move to Alberta because JOBS and Calgary is the BEST CITY EVER.

Fuck Harper so much.


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soleiltropiques February 14 2013, 03:51:24 UTC
...Or Quebec, either. We didn't vote for them in the last election either (mostly, we
voted NDP!). So far, they have been vastly unpopular here.

But then, like Ontario and the maritime provs., we're from the east of the country so we don't count.


soleiltropiques February 14 2013, 03:56:29 UTC
I'd add the North to that as well, except for the oil in the arctic. That they want.


velvetunicorn February 14 2013, 03:46:28 UTC
That article is so annoying. It's especially annoying because you pay into EI. It's not a handout plus you can only use it for as long as your contribution allows. Also, when people immigrate they do have a chance to start anywhere. I've moved to Alberta for jobs twice before and always came back because I couldn't get any traction. Now I have a condo and other obligations. I can't just pick up and leave. Not that it's easier for the Irish but I'm sure it's not a last minute decision that they just decided to uproot themselves.


ladypolitik February 14 2013, 04:06:24 UTC
That article is so annoying. It's especially annoying because you pay into EI. It's not a handout plus you can only use it for as long as your contribution allows.

UGH, THANK YOU; SAY THAT AGAIN A LITTLE LOUDER FOR THE KIDS IN THE BACK. This is, by far, my #1 cock-punching pet peeve from EI opponents.


poetic_pixie_13 February 14 2013, 04:56:30 UTC
On the other hand are thousands of people in Ireland willing to get on a plane and fly to Canada in hopes of landing a job, even for just six months.

... )


soleiltropiques February 14 2013, 18:15:58 UTC
+1 on everything you said ( ... )


soleiltropiques February 14 2013, 21:34:00 UTC

"Considering how hard it's been for me to find a fucking job I want to punch this person in the face. I've seriously considered putting a white sounding name on my resume and hope that if I snag an interview I can take it from there.

Just, ugh. Even if I did that I swear you need connections to get a goddamned job at a fast food place, people are so desperate."

This is all too true and so wrong. I heard the results of a study done hust a few yeas ago in Montreal (i.e. where I live) and the results clearly showed that young black people had a significantly harder time finding jobs than white people.

So... yay Canadian racism, too. Ugh.


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eawen_penallion February 14 2013, 23:35:55 UTC
Here in Ireland we the people are suffering under hugely severe austerity cuts, thanks to the f**ktard bankers and the politicians who enabled them. The latest government have just signed a deal where one of the major banks/culprits has had its debts taken on by the country. This will admittedly save some billions of euro but the payments of our HUGE loan to the European Banks will be still being paid by our children and grandchildren.

My daughter is nearly 18, has yet to take her Leaving Certificate exams and is looking forward to going to college. Seriously - once she has her education finished I truly expect that she will leave Ireland for goos. No jobs for the presently unemployed, reduced pay for those who still have jobs and basically, no hope: this makes the rush to emigrate to Canada much more understandable, maybe?

We didn't crash the banks, but we are having to pay for their reckless lunacy.


jslayeruk February 15 2013, 10:53:35 UTC

Ireland was on course to have her first generation in over a century to choose remaining in Ireland over economic emigration before this crisis hit, according to statistics I've seen recently.


soleiltropiques February 15 2013, 15:08:00 UTC
Yes. My mother is Irish (emigrated a few decades ago) and she gets depressed when she talks about how things are over there now.

I still can't believe the way we treat banks and corporations, as opposed to individuals, in this world. When banks and big corporations mismanage, misspend, and defraud, they get a pass and 'bailouts' from the little people's money. If we mismanage our funds however, things are quite different.

You'd think the *individuals* would be the ones who matter.

Apparently not.


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