Kelly McParland: Irish compete for Canadian jobs; others prefer UI

Feb 13, 2013 17:07

'Kelly McParland: Irish compete for Canadian jobs; others prefer UI'

Let’s take two stories, compare them, and figure out what it says about Canadian attitudes.

Fuckery behind the cut... )

capitalism fuck yeah, classism, eat the rich, neocons, canada, flames on the side of my face, fuckery

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romp February 14 2013, 04:05:42 UTC
I have literally been hearing that since the 1980s.


soleiltropiques February 14 2013, 04:03:43 UTC
"I also have to mention how typical it is of our government to open their arms to white immigrants from Europe yet close the doors to refugees, particularly the Roma."

Ain't that the truth.

And fuck big oil. I'd like to leave more than a stinking pile of shit to my great-grandchildren, thank you.


romp February 14 2013, 04:22:05 UTC

I think my younger child should just be a hippie artist. He can divide his time between a yurt on communal land and home with his parents. Seriously, if he doesn't have a passion like being a marine biologist or a midwife, I think he should train to work in a kitchen because that's one job he can find around here.


poetic_pixie_13 February 14 2013, 05:06:52 UTC
I'm going to try for teacher's college out of the country and then stay and teach wherever I end up. I honestly don't want to start working and possibly setting down roots somewhere else because I know that I'll eventually want to come back.

Every long conversation my friends and I have ends up with us talking about how we have no real career options. Like, if we're lucky we can find full time work and hopefully pay the bills. But it won't be in our fields and it won't be the promised nice, comfortable middle-class existence reaped from a university education. We're all talk about how we should've gone to college. I'd be out already, have practical experience not be loaded with nearly as much debt.


givemethepeasx February 15 2013, 23:43:41 UTC
Anyone i know thats emigrated to canada has got a job upon arrival and it's not on oil rigs, it's in construction. The jobs market is definately better than in ireland.


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