UKIP couple have foster children removed from care.

Nov 24, 2012 10:03

A couple have had three foster children removed from their care because they belong to the UK Independence Party.

Rotherham Borough Council said the children were "not indigenous white British" and that it had concerns about UKIP's stance on immigration.

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adoption, uk: labour party, immigration, uk

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Comments 59

rex_dart November 24 2012, 15:49:26 UTC
And surely because they have no problem adopting "not indigenous white British" kids they're not all that hardcore anyway. What did the council think they'd do, kill them so there were less immigrants?!

a) You don't see any problem with handing children who aren't white over to white people who are members of a party that at the very least is xenophobic and Islamophobic (and that's just from a cursory google search)?

b) Can you explain how "they can't be racist because they agreed to take care of children of color" is any different from "I'm not racist because I have black friends"?

c) Your standard of proper and adequate parenting is "as long as the parents don't murder the children"?


idemandjustice November 24 2012, 16:15:29 UTC
These were pretty much my thoughts. I don't know much about UKIP, but what I read here leads me to the same conclusions as you.


hashishinahooka November 24 2012, 16:21:32 UTC
Right. Being in a xenophobic environment would not be healthy to those children. Hearing negative messages about people from the same background as you is only going to cause self-esteem issues down the road.


ellonwye November 24 2012, 16:14:00 UTC
How could they possibly be respectful to the cultural needs of those kids when they belong to a racist party? Do you not kind of see a conflict of interests here?

OP what's your stance on the fact that members of the BNP party are not generally allowed to apply for the police service?

Also can I just say that 'Where does it all end?' is a fucking ridiculous thing to say. Oh when will this persecution of racists and xenophobes end?!


poetic_pixie_13 November 24 2012, 16:21:36 UTC
I'm totally down with forcing racists and xenophobes to wear signs informing me of their bigotry /only half joking


poetic_pixie_13 November 24 2012, 16:20:22 UTC
And surely because they have no problem adopting "not indigenous white British" kids they're not all that hardcore anyway.

Before I leave what'll probably end up being my usual tl;dr... are you white?

ETA: Actually, I might not with the tl;dr. Like, I don't know how to explain/simplify the idea that racist asshats raising kids of colour would deeply affect those kids negatively and lead to them believing many disgusting untruths about themselves and fellow folks of colour. That kind of internalized hatred leads the painful, ugly bullshit that a lot of my fellow queer and trans folks sadly know all too well.


kaizopp November 24 2012, 16:25:09 UTC
They can still foster kids, though. There's no "political bias", there's a "social services (or whatever they're called) have to be very thorough in putting kids with the right foster carers bias". I think what's going on here is a big misunderstanding (or deliberate misleading) in how the foster system is supposed to operate.


rebness November 24 2012, 16:27:25 UTC
On their website front page, they have a disclaimer that they're not racist.

If you have to make such a disclaimer, you probably are a racist fuck.

UKIP also 'opposes multiculturalism', as if the millions of British people who are from ethnic minorities can just up and leave to some fabled land from which they all came, as if they don't fucking contribute anything to Britain's social fabric.

How could anyone, in any conscience, place children of colour with asshats who believe in such things?

UKIP is a xenophobic party who wants to rescue Britain from all those pesky foreigners in Europe, and have Britain as a white monolith. It's just the BNP with better PR, but thankfully the council have seen through this and taken steps to prevent those children being exposed to such hate. It's absolutely the right call! I don't get why anyone even thinks this should be up for debate.


poetic_pixie_13 November 24 2012, 16:30:55 UTC
UKIP also 'opposes multiculturalism', as if the millions of British people who are from ethnic minorities can just up and leave to some fabled land from which they all came, as if they don't fucking contribute anything to Britain's social fabric.

Right? It also just ignores the fact that poc have been a part of Britain's history forever and have contributed to the building of empire and nation, often through oppression, colonialism and exploitation.

The wealth and prosperity that Britain has was made at the expense of the growth and prosperity of developing nations and poc all over the world. So, like, just chill with the whole 'we built this' bullshit. Immigrants are just collecting their ancestors due.


rebness November 24 2012, 16:34:23 UTC

It makes me laugh that anyone thinks they can lay claim to being ~authentically British when these isles have been invaded and populated so many times throughout history. It's why we've prospered.

Well, that and subjugating developing nations. We need to shut the fuck up and learn our own history before we whine about immigrants or working with Europe.


girly123 November 24 2012, 17:44:08 UTC


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