Hurricane Sandy Post

Oct 28, 2012 00:18

US Superstorm threat launches mass evacuations
Source - AP News
October 27, 2012

News, State Info, Resources )

hurricanes, weather, disasters, natural disaster, fema

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Comments 529

kangofu October 28 2012, 17:41:44 UTC
I submitted this last night, so some info is old. I'll update when I get home.

In the meantime, NYC is evacuating zone A.

NYC is also closing schools tomorrow.


imnotasquirrel October 28 2012, 18:58:19 UTC
huh. i think my office is in zone a...

and they're closing down the subway, so i guess that means no work tomorrow.


kangofu October 28 2012, 19:31:06 UTC
Awesome! My mom is psyched because her school is closed. XD


imnotasquirrel October 28 2012, 20:47:31 UTC
I just got official word that my office is indeed closed. Woot!


Early voting closed tomorrow in MD free_spoons October 28 2012, 17:42:20 UTC
Just saw this on Governor O'Malley's facebook page that early voting is closed tomorrow in the state of Maryland. So if you want to vote before the storm you've got until 6pm


Re: Early voting closed tomorrow in MD sperose October 28 2012, 18:06:52 UTC
Shit. I swung by my early voting place earlier and the line was out into the parking lot and they ran out of parking spaces.

ETA: Yes, I could go to one of the other places in my county, but I'm going to guess they're ALL like that.


Re: Early voting closed tomorrow in MD thistlerose October 28 2012, 18:30:29 UTC
I waited in line for 2+ hours yesterday to vote. It just about killed my back, but now I'm glad I didn't wait. O_o


Re: Early voting closed tomorrow in MD rkt October 28 2012, 20:08:07 UTC
that shit cray. it's early voting and the lines are already out the door??


yndigot October 28 2012, 17:52:07 UTC
I know that in some ways it's trivial in the middle of a storm that could have huge effects on so many people and even put lives in danger, but ... I've got two job interviews scheduled for Monday. I really hope that if the weather's too bad to drive 10+ miles to get to them, they're willing to reschedule, but even if they do and I get the job I think I have a good chance of getting, not having my interview on Monday will push back the whole training schedule (no way the background check and drug screening will be in soon enough for me to go to the training program this week), which means more time until I get an actual paycheck.

Goddamnit Sandy! You couldn't wait a week? Come a week earlier? Worst timing.


countrygirl_914 October 28 2012, 18:05:29 UTC
All the maps and warnings and things show this getting to where I am in Pittsburgh, but I wonder if that'll actually happen. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.


klutzy_girl October 28 2012, 18:20:47 UTC
All indications seem to be that it will actually hit us in PA. I'm going to believe the warnings.


ferlingmule October 28 2012, 21:43:54 UTC
Front page of the local paper (I live dead center of PA in State College) was pretty much "storm's a-coming what to expect," so we're going to get some of it at least. *crosses fingers no snow*


celandine October 28 2012, 21:27:26 UTC
It's actually supposed to come as far as Columbus, and possibly to Indiana. I think Pittsburgh will definitely get some of it.


ecrivais October 28 2012, 18:08:00 UTC
It still has yet to rain in NC


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