Paul Ryan: For Your Own Good... Let's Reduce Poverty... By Slashing Poverty Programs

Oct 24, 2012 20:57

Paul Ryan Poverty Speech Proposes Reforming Programs For The PoorIn his first policy speech since becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee, Paul Ryan said he and Mitt Romney will restore upward mobility and fight poverty in part by limiting the federal government's commitment to safety net programs ( Read more... )

election 2012, scumbags, republican party, health care, ayn rand, poverty, paul ryan, fuck this guy, republicans, welfare

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Comments 25

zinnia_rose October 25 2012, 06:10:49 UTC
"If the question is what's best for low-income Ohioans, shouldn’t we let Ohioans make that call?"

Um, no. Why should you be screwed over if you happen to live in a state full of assholes who hate the poor (not saying Ohio is necessarily one of them)?

"Mitt Romney and I are running because we believe that Americans are better off in a dynamic, free-enterprise-based economy that fosters economic growth, opportunity and upward mobility instead of a stagnant, government-directed economy that stifles job creation and fosters government dependency only rich, white, straight, cis men should get to have any rights at all, and if you happen to be born poor, a PoC, gay/bi, trans, and/or a woman we don't give a shit about you."



skizzylizard October 25 2012, 13:29:37 UTC
Ohio is one of them


dorawa October 25 2012, 17:15:48 UTC
ohio is, though. we're assholes. hate this place.


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thelilyqueen October 25 2012, 12:58:00 UTC
Yup. I think our welfare system should be reformed in many ways so it does a better job of helping people. There should be heavily subsidized childcare and more of an effort made to tailor the help given to the individual (ex. - why shouldn't we cover tuition and living expenses for that final semester of college for someone who had life interrupt their education so they'll go back out on the job market with a degree?), but it needs to stick around and even be expanded.


shorofsky October 25 2012, 08:14:35 UTC
I am sick and tired of hearing about how badly off countries in Europe are and having it be blamed on the social safety net. I'm from Denmark, our economy is strong even in this crisis and we are a "socialist" country. We are not the same as Spain or Poland. We just happen to be situated on the same bit of landmass as them, but our policies are quite different to theirs. I loathe how so many Americans seem to think Europe is this clump of horrid commies living in their own filth because they don't understand the beauty of the free market. Grr. /rant
Ps. Ryan/Romney suck. Can't even be a grownup about that.


ook October 25 2012, 06:55:33 UTC
Wow, these people are just shameless. I guess they better start up a new program to bring back the poor farms where the impoverished and sick lived in boarding houses on a farm and grew crops to sustain themselves.


lantean_breeze October 25 2012, 09:02:04 UTC
"resulting in a loss of insurance for 35.7 million Americans... I ask you to support our campaign, because our cause is yours, and yours is ours,"

Um, I can think of about 35.7 million people that probably won't think that's true right off of the top of my head.


muppetfromhell October 25 2012, 13:20:35 UTC
Problem being half of those folks delusionally also hate on the societal leeches on govt handouts...


lantean_breeze October 25 2012, 14:53:49 UTC
Very true. They forget what "Medic-AID" is...


tabaqui October 25 2012, 10:34:33 UTC
Oh, fuck them so hard. Zero sense, zero empathy, nothing but the 'bottom line', and all of it carried on the backs of the working poor, women and children.



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