Minnesota's marriage amendment fight funded by Catholics across U.S.

Oct 21, 2012 02:58

Catholic parishes and affiliated groups around the country are pouring money into Minnesota's fight to pass a Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

From the $3,000 sent by Catholics in Baton Rouge, La., to the $500 from the Diocese of Austin, Texas, more than two dozen dioceses and archdioceses have dug deep for the local effort. The ( Read more... )

donations, election 2012, fuckery, minnesota, marriage, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, marriage equality

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Comments 45

dafairyness October 21 2012, 15:58:56 UTC
Minnesota United for All Families is really amazing and I wish you guys the best of luck. Only 16 days left!


silver_apples October 21 2012, 16:03:05 UTC
Why doesn't this bother the people who keep yelling about state rights? The federal government should not be interfering in state issues, but other states and country-wide organizations can interfere all they want?

"The defense of marriage is profoundly a social justice issue because it helps to secure the right of children to be known and loved by both their mother and father,"

Because with the rates of divorce, custody fights, parents kidnapping their own kids, single-parenthood, child abuse, and parents too busy trying to make ends meet to spend time with their kids, legalizing same-sex marriage is the greatest threat to kids knowing and being loved by a mother and a father.


ragnor144 October 21 2012, 16:22:11 UTC
I have been thinking that the church shouldn't have the right to confer legal benefits to anyone. Perhaps all marriages should be civil only, and then if you want a religious component you can do that separately, which would have no legal relevance. Aren't there a few countries that do this already? The LdS church usually requires you to wait a year before being sealed in the temple if you have a civil service, but I believe that is waived in countries that require civil ceremonies first.


evilnel October 21 2012, 16:46:46 UTC
I think they do it this way in Germany. This is the solution I've been advocating for since I was like 16. Church and state. They are not the same, people!


thecityofdis October 21 2012, 16:56:25 UTC
Except that this is exactly how marriage works in the United States. Literally.


thevelvetsun October 21 2012, 17:18:15 UTC
Good point!


jenny_jenkins October 21 2012, 17:34:09 UTC
Chuck Darrell is SUCH A FUCKING TOOL. Every quote I've ever seen from him about this is either him being a smug douchebag or him being "shocked" and "appalled" that us queers and/or liberals are in such a ~tizzy~ over this amendment, gosh how could we get so upset about people just trying to express their opinion!

I'm not sure I can improve on this comment, actually.


sparkindarkness October 21 2012, 18:32:24 UTC
Ugh this is one of the reasons why i look with less-than-friendliness at people who announce they're so utterly pro-GBLT-human-rights but then sit in the back of a homophobic church, listening to the homophobic words, giving strength to the homophobic preacher and putting money in the homophobic pot.

The rest - I wish I could be shocked, but, really that Catholic church is so very determined to deny our humanity that I'm not. It's what the church does - oppose our existence in every single way possible, whenever they can, wherever they can.


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bestdaywelived October 21 2012, 20:24:06 UTC
But as a Catholic, you CAN'T do that! LITERALLY. CAN'T. It's part of doctrine that you take it all!


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