GOP's Quest to Shame Obama Reveals Secret Information to Our Enemies.

Oct 11, 2012 05:48

GOP's Next Quest: Pin the Blame on the Dems.

Letting us in on a secret

When House Republicans called a hearing in the middle of their long recess, you knew it would be something big, and indeed it was: They accidentally blew the CIA’s cover.

The purpose of Wednesday’s hearing of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee was to examine security ( Read more... )

god damn, fail, terrorism, national security, libya, republican party, state department, facepalm, cia, republicans, incompetence

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kitanabychoice October 11 2012, 14:42:59 UTC


wingstar102 October 11 2012, 14:35:47 UTC
You would think that someone would double-check the information they had to make sure none of it was even possibly classified. Where are their brains?

Forgive the wording of this comment. I haven't had my coffee yet. This national security fail was just so... idiotic that I had to say something.


moonbladem October 11 2012, 14:38:48 UTC
Republicans were aiming to embarrass the Obama administration over State Department security lapses. But they inadvertently caused a different picture to emerge than the one that has been publicly known: that the victims may have been let down not by the State Department but by the CIA.

Being despicable is one thing. Being utterly stupid and incompetent is quite another.

Gee thanks guys. You just did our enemies a huge favor by revealing valuable information... on TELEVISION. And ummm... just who were you trying to embarrass again?


layweed October 11 2012, 14:45:41 UTC


oceandezignz October 11 2012, 14:53:39 UTC
The Tea Party was suppose to... fix what now?


crossfire October 11 2012, 17:07:26 UTC
Get the black guy out of the white house. Other things too, like keep government out of medicare, but that was the big one.


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