Slavery Still Exists

Sep 28, 2012 20:42

SEP 26 2012, 1:10 PM ET
Lisa Kristine

Photographs of human trafficking and enslavement around the world

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ghana, sex work, africa, india, slavery, human trafficking, civil liberties, nepal, mining

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Comments 20

qable September 29 2012, 05:54:21 UTC
This is something I needed to be reminded of. Thank you for posting this.


wisdomsawoman September 29 2012, 05:57:32 UTC
There are slaves in every country. I was shocked (silly me) to learn that there are slaves in Canada. Most adoptions in Canada are done through the government, but private adoptions are not illegal... I'm not saying all the children who are adopted privately are being enslaved, but it sure is an easy way to do so (btw my two sisters were adopted internationally, but through the government).

The picture of the little boy Kofi is absolutely breathtaking, as is his story.


(The comment has been removed)

wisdomsawoman September 29 2012, 17:30:09 UTC
It is really a misconceptions, which is why I would've like the article to show examples of slaves in Western countries (but I can understand it can harder to find cases). As for international adoption, of course it's a subject quite close to my heart and I have nothing against it, I would even like to adopt myself later on. When my parents went to Haiti for my sister, they lived with a woman who was doing private adoptions, and she literally couldn't understand why my parents hadn't gone through private circles : "It's so much easier and you get to CHOOSE your child!" I mean they aren't fucking objects, you know? Yet she talked about them as though they were.

The only problem I have with government adoptions in Canada is part of the process: it's the parents that get to choose and pay the social worker that will do the familial evaluations. So technically, my parents could have gotten a friend who's a social worker, who would've made a bogus report. I find that quite worrying.


seishin September 29 2012, 17:24:09 UTC
I was shocked (silly me) to learn that there are slaves in Canada.

Whaaaaaat??????? :(

My reaction is mirroring yours right now. Do you have links to any info so I can find out more about this? I'm in legit shock rn. :(


browneyedguuurl September 29 2012, 06:14:56 UTC
I hate that we live in a world like this.


mandrill September 29 2012, 08:09:11 UTC
Great article and photos. Surprised there's no photos of people mining for diamonds.


atomic_joe2 September 29 2012, 08:22:52 UTC
So sad. And we're sending probes that cost billions to Mars.


rex_dart September 29 2012, 14:29:16 UTC
It's imperialism, not scientific advancement, that eats up the US budget, and it's scientific advancement, not imperialism in the guise of ~the great and powerful United States is the only hope for these people~, that will help create a better world in the future.

We don't need ridiculous, oversimplifying comments about the US budget in this post. Your mentality is shallow, self-centered, and completely disrespectful to this topic.


girly123 September 29 2012, 15:31:11 UTC
You always have the best and most polite smackdowns.


wrestlingdog September 29 2012, 16:57:08 UTC
Thank you for this.


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