GOP accuses Obama of 'abandoning Czechoslovakia'

Sep 25, 2012 20:54

In a stunning display of dishonesty by paid right wing commentator Liz Cheney, the daughter of former VP Dick Cheney, who accused President Obama of abandoning the nation of Czechoslovakia even though the country has not existed since 1992.

The moment came on the political round table talk show called "This Week" broadcast on ABC. In specific Ms. ( Read more... )

czech republic

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Comments 51

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moonshaz September 26 2012, 20:27:27 UTC
The sad fact is, MOST Americans don't know much about the Czechs, including myself (which I'm embarrassed to admit, but it's the truth). So yeah, I'm 100% positive the Repubs don't know wtf they are talking about!


seasight September 26 2012, 08:00:33 UTC

... )


rosicrucian September 26 2012, 08:01:36 UTC
Oh my god, Father Ted! I love you right now.


gairid September 26 2012, 09:15:19 UTC
DOWN WITH THIS SORT OF THING! YES! Father Ted for President!


johnjie September 26 2012, 10:24:16 UTC
I love Father Ted so much, and I love you for posting this!


rosicrucian September 26 2012, 08:03:18 UTC
It seems like we can go scarcely go an election cycle without this happening on the Republican side, tbh. Annnnd, now I feel old by saying that.


zinnia_rose September 26 2012, 08:21:27 UTC
...oh dear. I have a Czech friend who is probably laughing her ass off right now.

Also, since when is Russia our enemy? (Oh yeah, I forgot. We're still stuck in the Cold War.)


babysinclair September 26 2012, 08:37:19 UTC
Between Russia and Cuba being brought up at the RNC, I have never been more confused on what time period they are living in.


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the_gabih September 26 2012, 18:50:30 UTC
Yes, but public opinion =/= official enemy status. I'm pretty sure you'd find similar results in quite a few other countries.


the_physicist September 26 2012, 08:41:03 UTC
There is a "Czechoslovakia forever" tag? XD


bowtomecha September 26 2012, 09:47:29 UTC
Hahaha I was wondering about this myself.


the_physicist September 26 2012, 09:58:35 UTC
It must come up rather often that someone brings up this 'key ally' of the USA :P .


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