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the4thjuliek September 16 2014, 13:04:40 UTC
Church of Xabi! Church of Xabi!

I like Bayern (because a lot of my favorite players are there) but I'm a BvB supporter, hands down.


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Damn, Xabi just slots in wherever he goes jazzypom September 16 2014, 14:10:38 UTC
I just want to give him a shoutout for encouraging Alberto Moreno to come to Liverpool. Brendan Rogers was on the hunt for him for a while, and I think Sevilla was being difficult, and Moreno was pretty broken up about being sold. So good on him for giving Moreno a boost to come to Liverpool. I love Moreno already.


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mrscrapbag September 16 2014, 14:35:24 UTC
that is not a great angle of my german peeta :( lol


the4thjuliek September 16 2014, 14:38:15 UTC
Lol, that is not a flattering picture of Danny Cruz.


marsyke September 16 2014, 14:57:19 UTC
His abs are looking though.


lied_ohne_worte September 16 2014, 14:25:42 UTC
Acclimatised to the team or not, that gif does give a distinct impression of "WTF have I landed myself in?" Give the poor man more than a day before slapping him into those silly outfits!


itsacoco September 16 2014, 14:35:55 UTC
Sigh. It's just two years, self. He's just going to be in Bayern for two years... And then he can retire in peace and refrain from breaking little fangirl hearts again. The menace.


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