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the4thjuliek September 16 2014, 13:04:40 UTC
Church of Xabi! Church of Xabi!

I like Bayern (because a lot of my favorite players are there) but I'm a BvB supporter, hands down.


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the4thjuliek September 16 2014, 14:13:09 UTC
Practically half of the German World Cup winning squad (Muller, Neuer, Lahm, Schweini, Boateng, Peasant King) plus others like Ribery and Robben are in Bayern.

I dunno about other people but I never cared much for Barca. My attention's always focused on teams like Chelsea.


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the4thjuliek September 16 2014, 14:30:28 UTC
No, no, no, no! I meant hating on Chelsea! I support Arsenal through and through and Liverpool's my #2.

I used to support Chelsea a very tiny bit when my husband Ballack played there.


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the4thjuliek September 16 2014, 14:43:36 UTC

I've been a Gunners fan my whole life but Gerlonso made me realize how much I like Liverpool. I was heartbroken when Xabi left (even though he went to Real, another team I supported back then).


itsacoco September 16 2014, 14:29:04 UTC
I wish I was still around for those days. :'(


mrscrapbag September 16 2014, 14:32:34 UTC
same. it would've been fun for sure!


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mrscrapbag September 16 2014, 14:52:19 UTC
lol gurl tell me more tbh


akillarian September 16 2014, 15:40:33 UTC
There was a glorious comment left by a Barcelona fan about RM players being Mou's something something. I totally forgot the comment but it spawns so many icons with those words.


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itsacoco September 16 2014, 14:53:07 UTC
Damn, haha. I guess international football is reflective of the times here. I mean, back then, the Spanish golden generation (R.I.P.) reigned supreme. But now it's the Weltmeisters so the Germans have a lot of supporters which kinda makes me sad because it's the Spanish-speaking teams that got me into football, tbh.


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