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Comments 12

nounbeast February 15 2012, 02:25:36 UTC
I can never comprehend the fixation and horror cis men have with the concept of a person having their penis removed. Which apparently Dan Savage seems to think can be done via hormonal therapy or is a requirement to be a woman.

I'm trying to figure out why this is rough "especially for a boy". What would boys have to ~deal with~ about having a trans* parent that girls would not? Genuinely curious here.

Also, both the ex wife and Savage can fuck right off with their male pronouns.


la_vie_noire February 15 2012, 02:39:49 UTC
I'm trying to figure out why this is rough "especially for a boy". What would boys have to ~deal with~ about having a trans* parent that girls would not? Genuinely curious here.

Uhm, having their masculinity questioned? God knows privileged kids shouldn't be associated with marginalized people. It's wrong for them. (Sure, bully exists. That's SO not a reason for sprouting transphobic shit and denying a person their identity. We are in the society where the only marginalized identity accepted is the one who is perceived as, "not having a choice but to be," if people THINK someone has a choice, the immediately safe/smart/whatever option is to live in a all white, all straight, all cis, all able-boided society. Just for, "common-sense" reasons!) And this asshole says this woman is "selfish." Dear.


la_vie_noire February 15 2012, 02:47:57 UTC
Also, if he is supposedly worried about the kid being bullied, he should know attitudes like this do nothing but promote and enable bullies. It make us think the bullied is "to blame" and HAS to hide themselves for doing nothing wrong, "it's common sense!", while the bully just acts as society expects them to act, and we should just accept it, and place the blame on the victim.


nounbeast February 15 2012, 03:11:00 UTC
Lol, oh dear I just noticed what nightmer said about the date. I suppose Savage never fucked off with his male pronouns (and... everything else) but hopefully the ex wife did.

Exactly @ your replies. I mean, I do hate that it could (and likely did, knowing kids...) result in a person being bullied. But fuck me, this woman was "selfish" because ohnoez the bigoted kids being raised by bigots could be assholes to another person in result? Well let's all keep it under wraps and pretend she is a man, because that'll totally solve the problem for everyone the people who matter.


nightmer February 15 2012, 02:59:29 UTC
Not that I'm arguing with the commentary, but you know this is a 9-year-old column, right?


la_vie_noire February 15 2012, 03:02:23 UTC
Truth is I noticed just after posting, but it's not against the rules (unless I missed something), and the guy NEVER apologized or acknowledged the shit he said here.


nightmer February 15 2012, 03:14:42 UTC
Oh, I know, I was just pointing that out in case anyone else was confused after not noticing the date. He has brought up trans issues many many times in more recent years (and often in objectionable ways). He's acknowledged and defended what he's said several times.


lonely_hour February 15 2012, 12:38:36 UTC
despite its age...sacrifice the self for oppression to ignorance and allowance of non-understanding and non-acceptance???
why is this (sub-par) raising of children in mediocrity a warrant for 'sacrifice'.

traditional rhetoric, unfortunately.


casketscratcher February 15 2012, 13:07:33 UTC
It's getting to the point where I'm going to have to start thinking of new ways to say "fuck Dan Savage" because the phrase is losing all meaning to me.


midnightisclose February 16 2012, 03:05:27 UTC
"selfish tranny"?!

I just... can't.


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