Dan Savage. Asshole. We know this. He overdoes it.

Feb 14, 2012 22:38

Is his article. I'm not even going to copy all of that shit here.

It's called: "Bad Tr*nny".

He receives this letter:

I am a single parent with a wonderful 15-year-old son. My son's father, my ex, is a gay man. We've accepted this and we love him dearly, but there are issues affecting my son that my ex is ignoring. My ex has also been diagnosed with HIV. This was heartbreaking news for all of us. Now my ex has announced that he is undergoing hormonal treatments to become a woman. He kept his therapy and the entire process a secret until two weeks ago. My son is deeply disturbed by this, and I don't know how to help him. Basically, he is angry.[...]

His answer?

[...] Divorced parents, gay dad, the HIV bombshell... and now, so suddenly, a woman. That's an awful lot for a high-school-age kid, especially a boy, to deal with. The tranny activists are going to jump down my throat for this, but... it seems to me that your ex could've put off the sex change until after his son was out of high school. One of the things parents are supposed to do is make sacrifices, big and small, for the sake of their children. And while I think people have a right to do pretty much as they please (and parents are people), I also believe that children have a right to some stability and constancy from the adults in their lives. Perhaps I'm a transphobic bigot, but I honestly think waiting a measly 36 months to cut your dick is a sacrifice any father should be willing to make for his 15-year-old son. Call me old-fashioned. [...]

Unfortunately, your ex wasn't willing to make that sacrifice (selfish tranny!), or it never occurred to him to make that sacrifice (stupid tranny!). So what do you tell your son? Tell him his father can do what he likes--suck dick and flaunt it, get his dick cut off and flaunt that. If dear ol' Dad chooses to live as a woman, well, there's not a lot you or your son can do about it. But guess what? Your son is old enough to do what he likes, and if he chooses to live without speaking to or seeing his father, well, there's not a whole lot his father can do about that. If your son can't deal with having his dad/mom/whatever around right now, support him and tell his dad/mom/whatever to leave the two of you alone for the time being.

I kid you not. "PERHAPS" he is. Seriously. "PERHAPS."

Stupid, selfish asshole. Seriously. Stupid, selfish, and stupid asshole who has is extremely stupid. That's all I can say about this horrible person.

ETA: Because it was brought up in the comments, this article is from 2003. But Dan Savage never apologized for what he said. On the contrary, he defended his transphobic views and his use of transphobic slurs. You can google "Dan Savage" and "transphobia" and you will see the many instances were he does it recently.

transgender, transphobia, transmisogyny, what kind of fuckery is this?

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