Pixar Director continues to ignore half the world's population

Dec 06, 2011 12:46

Andrew Stanton Explains 'John Carter' Name Change, Says Girls Won't See A Movie With 'Mars' In The Title
Many fanboys and literary fanatics became ruffled when Disney (and director Andrew Stanton) changed the name of this spring's Edgar Rice Burroughs adaptation "John Carter of Mars" to simply, "John Carter." Apparently Stanton was in London to ( Read more... )

pop culture, media, science, femininities, children, masculinities

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Comments 46

nounbeast December 7 2011, 01:04:15 UTC
Science is so boring! I don't get astronomy at all, because it's for boys! That movie title has the name of a scary boys-thing like the planet Mars, so I won't go see it!

But seriously, this guy lives in the most black and white version of the world I've ever seen. Is he just extremely liberal with hyperbole, or does he honestly think "not a single boy would go" to see a movie with "Princess" in the title and that "no girl would go to see" a movie that has "Mars" in the title? Has this person ever even met a child?


wrestlingdog December 7 2011, 01:12:41 UTC
Didn't they pull the exact same shit with Brave? Ugh.


lovestyle December 7 2011, 01:14:29 UTC
And with Tangled!


wrestlingdog December 7 2011, 01:44:42 UTC
That's what I was thinking of, thank you! Ugh.


maynardsong December 7 2011, 01:58:16 UTC
What's the problem with Brave???? It's free of stereotypically girly stuff, but it does center around a girl who wants to be a knight? I mean, what's the problem with that? It looks promising.


lovestyle December 7 2011, 01:14:00 UTC
... but the reason that other movie flopped was because it was (imo) awful. I mean, you could tell by watching the trailer, it was going to be awful. I just cannot with these business-minded people trying to run something that finds its success in storytelling.

If you want boys AND girls in the theaters, how about focusing on developing (or in this case, adapting) a strong story that appeals to everyone, instead of going "Well, the title probably won't bring in such-and-such demographic, SO LET'S SPEND MONEY TO CHANGE IT!"

Honestly, if you're insisting on operating on that line of thinking anyway, why is MARS supposedly noninclusive of girls, but a MAN'S NAME isn't? For me personally, the -of Mars appeals to me, because it means it's going to be a fantasy setting. John Carter? Had you come up to me in the street five minutes ago and asked me if I was going to go see "John Carter" when it came out, I'd be like "They're doing a documentary on a politician? No thanks."

I just. I can't.


kitanabychoice December 7 2011, 01:20:15 UTC
Why don't they just let the kids decide what they want to see? When I was kid I don't remember even caring about the names of the movies I saw -- I saw the animation sequences and was totally drawn in by that.


katie_g_lynn December 7 2011, 01:36:39 UTC
How about we stop telling kids/everyone that they are supposed to give a shit about these basic/boring/ridiculous/made up gender roles and then when people make movies they can stop acting like anyone gives a shit that a movie says Mars or Princess in it. Also Zelda is the name of a princess and the title of a game and everyone who plays knows that and guys and girls play it. I hate sometimes.


maynardsong December 7 2011, 02:00:28 UTC
And The Hunger Games series? Written by a woman, about a girl, and yet I've lost count of boys and men I've seen reading it.


katie_g_lynn December 7 2011, 02:07:48 UTC
I know! Also Game of Thrones has the word thrones in it, but girls have managed to watch it and lots of dudes watched The Terminator movies and the Alien movies despite them starring women. Also lots of men effing love The Princess Bride. In fact I've heard more men say they like it than women. I mean I've heard ridiculous arguments regarding words like princess and such not appealing to men, and it's really annoying, but this idea of women not being interested in anything with the name of a planet in the title is so especially foolish that its almost funny.


maynardsong December 7 2011, 02:47:48 UTC
Me too, I've heard more men rave about Princess Bride than do women. And tangent, but definitely more men in my life listen to the likes of Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, etc. than do women.


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