Transgender woman set to become Polish MP

Oct 10, 2011 21:31

A transgender woman is expected to become the first trans person in Poland to be elected as an MP.

Anna Grodzka, 57, of Krakow, believes she will be the world’s only sitting transgender MP if elected for the Palikot Movement party.

A gay man, Robert Biedron, is also expected to become an MP.

Palikot Movement is a new political party which advocates ( Read more... )

lgbt, europe, transgender

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Comments 8

sephystabbity October 10 2011, 20:51:23 UTC
No mere words could express my glee at this news, so:

... )


pellamerethiel October 10 2011, 20:55:18 UTC
\o/ I'm so damn proud of my country right now.


novin_ha October 10 2011, 21:01:07 UTC
I'm not at all happy about Palikot's economic policies, but at least maybe this will boost a signal to the 'left wing' that being progressive on social issues can get votes.


astragalizo October 11 2011, 06:49:38 UTC
Yeah, he's like full of this neoliberal bullshit, isn't he? But maybe at least SLD will learn something from this!


novin_ha October 11 2011, 09:06:31 UTC
That's what I'm hoping for :) For now they have a history of remembering about women and LGBTQ rights just before elections and promptly forgetting right after.


(The comment has been removed)

astragalizo October 11 2011, 07:01:03 UTC
Well, the party was basically started from scratch like almost a year ago, and they got 10%, which is not bad at all. But the members are this weird mix of atheists/atheist neckbeards, creepy libertarians, women's rights activists and LGBTQ activists, and at least until the most hardcore "abolish-all-taxes" libertarians are gone, frankly, I wouldn't want them to be a major power in the parliament at all. But I think this result does show that more and more people are increasingly frustrated with fundamentalist Catholics being a very vocal minority all the time.

A really great bill that among other things allowed abortion was discussed in the parliament a month ago, but it didn't pass. But now one of the people behind the proposal, Wanda Nowicka, is an MP, so I'm really really hopeful :3


novin_ha October 11 2011, 09:03:41 UTC
Signatures are being collected for a citizen's initiative to legalize abortion and improve reproductive rights, but I don't think there's a significant chance for such a project to pass in the current parliament when Civic Platform did not enforce penalties on MPs who broke discipline to vote for the project completely delegalizing abortion even in cases where the mother's life is in danger :/


wathsalive October 12 2011, 17:57:19 UTC
This will do so much for trans rights within and outside of Poland which is awesome


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