Transgender woman set to become Polish MP

Oct 10, 2011 21:31

A transgender woman is expected to become the first trans person in Poland to be elected as an MP.

Anna Grodzka, 57, of Krakow, believes she will be the world’s only sitting transgender MP if elected for the Palikot Movement party.

A gay man, Robert Biedron, is also expected to become an MP.

Palikot Movement is a new political party which advocates civil unions, legalising soft drugs and liberalising abortion laws.

It was set up by former Civic Platform MP Janusz Palikot.

Despite poor predictions, the party came third in yesterday’s national elections.

(the rest at Pink News)

As far as I can tell, the Polish media have already confirmed that Anna Grodzka was indeed elected yesterday! I'm really happy and excited; Grodzka is really an awesome person and dedicated activist, and it's just really so fucking great to have normal people instead of frothing Catholic fundies in the Parliament for once. Also I'd like to have a lesbian activist instead of Biedron, who is known for his questionable politics, but whatever, this is still progress <3<3<3

lgbt, europe, transgender

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