Why do straight women think being a lesbian is easier?

Dec 08, 2010 09:38

It's sort of bizarre how so many times I've heard a friend or a public figure note that they've had trouble with men/a certain man, and that life would be so much less complicated if they were gay ( Read more... )


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elvistears December 9 2010, 02:49:51 UTC
Which is funny, cos they didn't exactly make lesbian relationships look EASY.


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roseofjuly December 14 2010, 07:23:52 UTC
Not from my viewing of The L Word - I admit I haven't seen the entire series, just a lot of it. But it seemed to be that they portrayed lesbian relationships as being quite complex and difficult - more so than the way most television shows portray any relationships (including heterosexual ones). Of course there was a level of glamorizing as there is in any television show, but in the episodes that I've watched there was more of a realism than most television shows have.


bloodrivendream December 9 2010, 02:39:49 UTC
Because dating is often complicated and a lot of people seem to project the frustration that causes on the whole gender they date.

And because, I guess, a lot of women find other women more familiar and easier to deal with, on a platonic level at least.

Those are my two theories.


bizwac December 9 2010, 03:07:03 UTC
Yeah, I'd go with the familiarity thing.
A lot of straight women/girls I know who have said it'd be easier to be gay seem to think that all women/girls are like them, and hence they would understand them better (they'd like what I like, do what I do, be how I am!). But that's just ridiculous. Women aren't a homogenous group.


bloodrivendream December 9 2010, 04:19:44 UTC
Yeah, it is ridiculous. But I do think it is often part of the thought process.


roseofjuly December 14 2010, 07:24:32 UTC
This is usually the way I've seen people say this.


sunsetsinthewes December 9 2010, 02:42:32 UTC

And, strangely, that sums up my reaction better than my words could.


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dieewigenacht December 9 2010, 02:59:09 UTC
...I think I just commented something that makes no sense at all.


apricotflower December 9 2010, 03:20:35 UTC
what was it?


iteari December 9 2010, 03:05:59 UTC
I wish people would call out this kind of thinking as Straight Privilege more often.


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