Why do straight women think being a lesbian is easier?

Dec 08, 2010 09:38

It's sort of bizarre how so many times I've heard a friend or a public figure note that they've had trouble with men/a certain man, and that life would be so much less complicated if they were gay.

Ladies, I hate to break it to you, but there's a little something called inequality, and that's a lot crappier to deal with than a guy who won't call you back. (And if a girl you like doesn't call you back, then that's a double whammy.)

Androgynous Eurythmics frontwoman Annie Lennox is the latest to make such a statement. She recently told Saga magazine:

It's not like I think being gay could be an alternative, 'cos it isn't. I sometimes wish it would have been 'cos it would have made life easier.

This comes right after she calls men "a huge disappointment." She quickly adds to her statements, "(But) I'm not a man-hater, let me say that. I love men, love their company."

OK, we get it - you're straight. But seriously - where do women get the idea that being a lesbian is easier? If it's because they think women are just better at relationships, that's just not the truth. As any woman who has been in a relationship of any kind can attest, it takes two to make a thing go right, and personalities just don't jive sometimes. It's not necessarily someone's fault, but things can still be difficult, or downright ugly.

The rest @ AfterEllen.com.


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