Beyond Visibility: It Really Does Get Better (And TV Helps)

Dec 06, 2010 12:21

If 2010 adopted a big gay slogan, surely it would be "It Gets Better." And if my email inbox is an accurate indicator, lesbian and bisexual women really want to believe that. Almost every day I get a message from an reader asking me if it really does get better. And if yes, when? And if yes, how ( Read more... )

media, lgbt

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Comments 33

t3h_toby_chan December 6 2010, 18:16:43 UTC
And it wasn't like I was ever thinking about sex, even as a teenager, because I was Baptist and so I knew thinking about sex was the gateway action to punching Jesus in the face.


I like this article quite a bit.


poehleroid December 6 2010, 18:21:52 UTC
I liked her wit on the matter.
It doesn't always get better, I disagree with her on that stance. But I completely agree that visibility DOES matter.


madeline_may December 6 2010, 18:23:30 UTC
My god, what is my life doing up on this website?

And it wasn't like I was ever thinking about sex, even as a teenager, because I was Baptist and so I knew thinking about sex was the gateway action to punching Jesus in the face. I wasn't one of those closeted gays sneaking peeks in locker rooms. Like every other evangelical Christian teen I knew, I didn't even want to see my own body naked, so ashamed was I that it had rebelled against me and grown boobs (the evil body part whose sole purpose was to cause my brothers in Christ to stumble!).

Oh god. Yes. I went to a Baptist elementary school and it was DRILLED into our heads the various evil kinds of outfits girls could wear - skirts above the knee, tank tops without shirts underneath, anything in a v-neck, and, heaven forbid, spaghetti strap tank tops. We had to stay pure so as not to lead the boys into sin. I remember very vividly, in grade 7, asking why the boys were allowed to wear sweatpants, then - didn't that call attention to their 'area' because of the way they sat on them ( ... )


t3h_toby_chan December 6 2010, 18:37:40 UTC
I remember very vividly, in grade 7, asking why the boys were allowed to wear sweatpants, then - didn't that call attention to their 'area' because of the way they sat on them and cause WOMEN to 'sin'? I was told that wasn't the same. I also had to stay in and talk with the teacher at recess.

That reminds me of the part in Persepolis where their professor (?) is reminding the class of the codes of modesty that girls must preserve, and Marjane gets up and asks why girls have to drape themselves from head to toe to prevent the men from staring, and yet the boys can wear jeans that are "Practically painted on". Wish I could find that scene on youtube. Marjane is so kickass.


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fatchickengirl December 6 2010, 20:44:35 UTC
Women have to control there sexuality as they are weak enough to be controlled by the 'devil' (EVE) to use their sex as a weapon against the gullible men (ADAM). It is to protect men from women's innate wickedness.


mollywobbles867 December 6 2010, 18:31:03 UTC
I really loved this. <3


cekaycutie December 6 2010, 19:12:37 UTC
such a good article! Find myself agreeing very much, representations of gay and bi women in television for me has really helped with my own struggle of identity. Which i'm still trying to figure all out in my 20s. It can be quite confusing for a bi-sexual like myself because you're always taught about straight or gay but never that a person can like both sexes, so growing up and being attracted to people of both sexes always made me go 'but, i'm either one or the other! so which is it'

And totally can relate to the christian upbringing of 'bad girls, you cover yourselves so boys won't sin!!! also tv is the devil!!' ughhhhhh


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