tenderoni you've got to be...

Aug 15, 2009 19:20

Hai my lovelies! My last review- Day 2 of Newark.


Links to my other 2 reviews if you are bored:

Today I hung out with Drew, THE huge Megan fan (if you guys have seen him, you know exactly who I’m talking about!) and the Team Danny girls that I had met the day before. I also saw glitterglamgirl (hay girl hay- or was it Saturday that I saw you? lol) The buses came really late and so only Matt came out and was super quick- just signing things for about 5 mins. He did stop and give me a hug and ask me where I was sitting though :)

We waited around the venue and then at 5:30 or 6pm Sarver comes out! Drew had this pink monkey thing that he wanted all the idols to take pics with, then he was gonna give it to Megan later in the tour. So Drew asks Sarver to hold it and take a pic, and Sarver is like... umm why, what is this? I don’t get it! LOL

Scodd came out next and they were both really sweet!

Danny came out lookin really sexy (YES YOU GUISE, HE IS HOT, JUST ADMIT IT TO YOURSELVES AND STOP HATIN!) He spent a lot of time with his Team Danny girls again and then I got a hug and a pic. I’m sorry but his face was right up against my face and he smelled so good. (WHERE ARE MY GIRLS VERTICAL AND DEVON- I NEED SOME DANNY STAN SUPPORT RN)

So finally went into the venue to my seat- 5th row on the floor. These were the best seats so far since they were close and in the center, but I was also near a bunch of enthusiastic fans. There were 2 kids behind me who screamed like every 5 seconds about anything and everything. The dude sitting next to me was a huge Danny fan and was like, ‘Gurrrrl I came here to dance!’ There were a lot of Adam fans in the house, but tons of Danny & Kris fans too! These girls in front of me had jockstraps and boxers for Adam!

That girl on the right also had this amazing sign that said ‘Adam electrifies my life’- it had lights and all this awesome shit!

So I’m sitting around and I hear somebody say that Leila is in the house. I never actually saw her myself, but I did see a huge crowd of people gathered in one area taking pictures. I’m like okay that’s cool whatever. So I look around some more and I swear that I see freakin Neil Lambert. So I’m kinda staring at him thinking- Is that really Neil? No, it can’t be Neil, wait that’s totally Neil! There wasn’t anyone standing around him at the time so I wasn’t sure at all.

I decide to just get up and walk over to him anyways, still partially doubting that it’s him in the back of my mind. He sees me coming up towards him and just starts smiling.

Me: (discreetly) Hey, OMG I love you! Can I get a quick picture with you?
Neil: (quietly) Sure, but you have to act like you’re an old friend that I haven’t seen for years.
Me: Okay! Yo duuude whats up?! I haven’t seen you in like 5 years! OMG its been so long. You look great! (Some lady that he was sitting with offers to take the picture)
Neil: Hey it’s so nice to see you again! This is my old friend. (says some other stuff that I can’t remember anymore omg wtf)
Nice lady: (takes picture) So, what school was this that you guys met at?
Me: We went to Penn State
Nice lady: I hear that’s a good school, or they have a good football team or something.
Me: Yeah! (Hug from Neil) OMG I love you so much, you are hilarious! Thank you!

Then I went back to my seat shaking and crying.

Idk if you guys read Neil’s blog about the Idol show- but I’m pretty sure he was talking about me here:

"I hatch a new plan 5 minutes later when someone manages to recognize me. I try to ask her to be subtle and just pretend that we’re old friends but it simply doesn’t work. I’ve been found out. I snap a few pictures, mostly with kids because they can excuse their behavior by virtue of their age."

And notice my “Matt Giraud is Bangin’” shirt that got ‘special commendation’ from in that NY Times review. LMAO! :

“Scott MacIntyre performed a roaring duet of Billy Joel’s “Tell Her About It” with Matt Giraud, whose lovely, facile voice, especially during his solo rendition of “Georgia on My Mind,” was far more impressive live than on TV. (With crowd bias heavily in favor of Mr. Lambert, the bold individualist who wore a “Matt Giraud Is Bangin’ ” T-shirt deserves special commendation.)”

Finally the show starts and it was amazing! The crowd was loud and standing up dancing for everyone.

I really think Sarver impressed a lot of people!

Megan fan stood next to me waving a pink boa for Megan’s set, and along with the cool dude on the other side of me- so Megan got lots of love from our section!

Scott was great and Lil was workin it!

Anoop was his usual sexy self!

Matt killed it! Here is where my throat started to hurt from screaming so much!

hi Matt'sThighs :)

Beggin was hot!

Allison was fierce!

Danny was amazing- his voice is so fuckin hot!


look at those arms bbs

The crowd roared for Adam! It must have been very awesome for the Lamberts to see the amazing reception that Adam got! He definitely got jockstraps on stage and was like “Finally!!!”

love that pic


Kris was perfect!

dino jaw!

Don’t stop believing was great!

lol at sarver in that one

Then I ran out as quick as I could, but I was still a good 3-4 people behind at the barricades. The lady in front of me was about to get a beat down ugh. Anyway, I look at my phone and I get a text from one of the Team Danny girls who said that they got after party passes. So I freak out and call them back and they said Danny got a crew member to find them during the show and gave them the passes during Kris’s set!! OMG, so happy for them!!

It was about to rain, so most of the idols came out- but it was really fast. Anoop was out first in his UNC sweatshirt. I think Sarver came out next and was doing his thing, signing like he always does. He went around the corner, then later he comes back walking really fast with his head down, escorted by security guard into the building. Now, Sarver normally waves or something when he leaves the fans- so it was kinda weird. The door was still kinda open- and I just see him drop down to his knees, then kinda fall to the ground. Everyone was like OMG Oh Shit, what happened to Sarver?? I figured it couldn’t have been too bad because the other idols just went along signing as usual, but it definitely worried me! (Later he tweeted that he just didn’t feel right)

Next was Lil and her husband, and Allison and her sister (?). I yelled out hi to Jesse lol and he was like hey!! Then came Megan, who spent some time with Drew (yay!). Allison’s sister (?) was holding BB Ryder down the line as Megan signed autographs. He is soooo adorable!

Next Danny came out and then Matty! Some really nice dude gave me his Matty autograph! Then BB Kris came out! No HBIC this night, but apparently he tweeted his lovely “Entitlement is not sexy” tweets that night.

It started raining like crazy, so I went looking for Team Danny who were freaking out like crazy! They were so cute! They said they spent a lot of time with Danny and Matty and all of the idols were really cool! So yeah- Newark was good times!

Ok sorry my reviews were so long and stupid, but I hope you found them somewhat interesting!

!tour video/mp3/pictures, !idol encounters, !idol tour

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