hey little thang lemme light yo candle...

Aug 15, 2009 14:42

HEY BENCHES! I'm back with Part 2 of my concert reviews. Atlantic City & Newark Day 1!

Linky to my DC/Baltimore recap if you missed it: http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_ai/1753039.html

Atlantic City:

Left home for AC directly after GMA aired and arrived there around 11:30. After standing around for a while, I met two awesome benches Alexa and Carolyn and hung with them for the rest of the day. The whole situation there was ridic: they really had no barricades, some dude was threatening to call the cops and some were telling us the idols would be out, while others said they wouldn’t. We did see the band tour bus pull in (Aaron was chillin in the front) and apparently Kradam came in a black van (of course we missed it!). I also saw Lonnie from catering again (dude who I saw in DC & Bmore) who told me that I was scaring him coming to all these shows LOL.

Nothing was happening, so we went back to Carolyn’s car, ate lunch and listened to Kradam. Carolyn had won after party passes from Sarver on twitter and they both had lots of cute gifts for the idols. (they made a review- yall should go read it!) We go to the front of the venue to line up and out of the blue, Alexa’s like “OMG that’s David Cook!” I’m like, “OMG wat? Let’s go!” so we run up to him and say hi super fast. That definitely made up for the epic fail that was the afternoon.

We get to our seats and I’m 4th row in the tiny section on the side- all I’m thinking is AWESOME I am directly in front of that hottie Antonio! I hear some screaming and freakin David Cook is like 2 feet away from me. I tried to take video, but it came out super dark. He comes right up to where I’m sitting and I’m like “I love you David!” and he says “Thanks, I love you too!”. I didn’t want to be annoying, so I left him alone after that, but it was so weird because throughout the whole concert, anytime I turned around- there was DAVID COOK just chillin behind me. One of the camera dudes sees me and he’s like- I’m gonna put you back on the big screen again during Matt’s set. LOL

There were multiple tweets from the idols that this crowd sucked, and honestly they did. But security kept telling people to sit down- FUCK THAT! (For having such good seats, my camera was super fail today, so these pics kinda suck- sorry)

Everyone was so quiet for Megan :( so I screamed out that I loved her, and she said I love you too! Srsly, Megan rocks- show her some love goddamn!

Some dude is like, you either need to sit, or stand out in the aisle- so I go out to the aisle, right up against the front row. I definitely saw Dave smiling at me a couple times lol. The sound was fucked up from the end of Lil to the beginning of Anoop.

I had brought a bra to throw during Matt’s set, but I was kinda freakin out because I didn’t know when to throw it. I didn’t want him to trip over it, I couldn’t do it when the hole was in the ground, and I didn’t want it to be when he was at the piano. (JFC Matt, could you make it any harder for me?! lol) I was srsly shaking before throwing it because security had already bitched at me for standing like 3 times, but I ended up throwing it at the end of Hard to Handle. I didn't think that Matt saw it since a crew member picked it up real quick between songs. The girls in front of me all gave me high fives though! (and what up to bench Scarlett and her fierce husband who were also sitting in front of me)

Hi Dave & Tim!

Allison was great, but it wasn’t until Danny came that the audience finally seemed to wake the hell up. Adam was beautiful- it was kinda surreal seeing him so close! There was lots of pink bra play with Allison during Slow Ride. Kris was amazing. All our favorite things in DSB- butt slaps, chest bumps, “BJ” dances.

So after the show, they had us line up outside, then sent us inside to this underground garage thing. I was next to a bunch of cool Adam fans and some moms on one side, and this awesome tall redhead dude from Philly on the other side. Tall guy was hilarious and was giving us the scoop on who was coming out next. Megan came by our side first- wearing glasses and the infamous “Anoop is my Boyfriend” shirt. Girl is so gorgeous. Here is some video if haven’t seen it yet.

image Click to view

Kris came around and when he saw me, he was like “You are everywhere!” and I was like “I’m sorry” ugh now he thinks I’m a stalker lol. But he was like “No, I love it!”
idk the barricades were just really fun that day.

Megan and Alli posed for pics and Alli gave like 20 hugs to ppl. Some chick was like “Allison, you should date Adam!” and Allison was like “um, he’s gay” LOL.

Adam tweeted that he wasn’t gonna come out and I felt bad breaking hearts around me when I told them all Adam wasn’t coming out (but tall dude and I were kinda cracking up too). Matt came by but scorned me :(

Sarver and Scott were also out.

No Anoop. Danny was lookin fly in his yellow glasses and lady gaga shirt! Lil was out, but didn’t make it to our side.

So Matt comes back around again and almost scorns me for a second time, but then he says “Hey baby” and gives me a hug :D Then freakin Jesus (Ok idk what his name is, but the dude who works on the tour that looks like Jesus with black hair) comes up to us and is like- “That’s the girl that threw the bra on stage!” So Matty laughs and says “My first one! I loved it, Thank you!” So I guess he did see it! LMAO Thank you Jesus!

Newark Day 1:

The Newark crowd was awesome! While the previous 3 shows were 90% Adam fans, there were tons of Danny, Kris and Matt fans here which made me so happy. I met up with our resident Kratt stan, xbelle89x, and saw another group of cool benches too (sorry guys I'm horrible with lj names)! I hung out with Dazz, this gorgeous Anoop stan (yay Anoop fans!!) and Team Danny (these 3 huge Danny fans all decked out in purple). Dazz had this hilarious shirt about Anoop’s “fanbase” and the famous 10.5 on the back.

Today Sarver came out first lookin hot as usual, and Danny came out right after him. I know a lot of you dislike Danny, but fuckin hell he is gorgeous and amazing. Sarvokey basically met up right in front of us and it was awesome. I was so happy for Team Danny and he srsly spent like 10 minutes with them! I got a Danny hug yay!

Dazz was doing the Anoopcast and I think she got most of them to say hi. Sarver tried to scorn me AGAIN so I totally asked him why he always skips over me LOL. He was like “Well, you are wearing a Matt shirt and you have on an Anoop button!” I was like what? That doesn’t mean I don’t love you too?! So then he gave me a hug and a pic and told me that he saw me in the crowd the night before. LOL Dazz was taking the pic and she was shaking like crazy- and Sarver is like “Why are you shaking?” then he told her to say some weird chant from some movie to calm down.

So Danny comes back around and is bleeding from his face (lol) and he’s like taking one pic, then blotting his face, then taking another pic and he’s like “I shouldn’t be taking pics right now, sorry guys, this is gross!”

Next, that fine ass mothafucka Matt comes out and me and Dazz freak out. Matt reads Dazz’s shirt and smirks and then says “I will tell Anoop he’s got a ***cutie*** outside!” So Matt gets to me and he’s like “I see you throwin stuff on stage!” LOL I told him that I was sorry the crowd sucked in AC, but that security was making us sit down- and he was like “What up wit dat?” lol. We get hugs and pics with Matt and then he’s like “Do you want me to sign your shirt?” I’m like fuck! You can do whatever you want! So Matty signs my shirt- omg he was like holding my arm so he could write on the sleeve- omg I think I melted. Then he says, “I put ‘To my girl’ cuz you’re my girl!” and gave me this sexy ass smile. ~~~OMG FLAILING~~~ We were so excited that Dazz forgot to get him to say hi to the Anoopcast lol. Then some dude with the venue is like, Ok lets get a pic of some fans for the website, so me and Dazz call Matty over and he totally stands between us for the pic. Matty between manoop fans is the hottest thing ever. Later, Matty comes back around and talks to the Anoopcast and starts singin Big Poppa.

Then Pocket Idol comes out- goddamn he is so cute! Kris is like, “You are here again! Whats your name again?” So I tell him and and I get a hug and a pic. Unfortunately, right after us, ppl tell Kris that he has to go back inside- so he didn’t get to say hi to a good half of the crowd :(

Dazz and I go to the pizzeria down the block and try to find aaron spears with no luck. We meet up with Dazz’s awesome cousin and walk around for a while, then get some mixed drinks, before heading to our seats.

The Newark crowd was freaking amazing! So much energy from start to finish- I was so happy! I was 13th row on the floor for this show. All the idols did a great job. Matt was fucking amazing. Beggin was awesome. Someone threw some pink… thing during Slow Ride and Adam sang “what the f- is this?” It was pretty hilarious! Kris was so lovely!

Once the show ended, I went out to the barricades but I was pretty far back since I don’t like leaving early. I did find Dazz, but it was gonna be impossible to stand next to her, so I found another group of cool chicas to stand with. All 10 idols came out! I couldn’t believe Adam was out there, it was pretty damn cool. I don’t think a lot of people realized it was him at first because barely anyone was screaming. Kris’s wife and Lil’s husband were also there.

Blake Lewis came out too! I definitely saw Danny grabbing someones ass a couple times (idk it was either Matt or Anoop). Anoop comes out and I’m looking over at Dazz, and of course, fucking Matt and Anoop meet up right in front of her and do a lil Manoop hug! FML! Scott ran by everyone giving them high fives. I have a lot of really dark video- but I’m not even gonna bother posting that shit cuz its so dark and just a bunch of screaming! But yeah it was another amazing night!

Part 3 coming soon!

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