Okay, so
iichristinll and I were talking about a Series 4 friending meme the other day, and then it sorta... well, we both got busy. LOL. Anyway, because it's Friday and because S4 STARTS TOMORROW!, let's bring on the friending meme, yeah? YEAH!
Age (actual years or the age you act):
Place you call home:
MERLIN "PICK ONE" MEMEMorgana or Morgause?:Gwen or Freya?:Arthur or Merlin?:FAVORITE KNIGHT?!:Good or evil?:Magical or muggle non-magical?:Uther or the Slash Dragon: MOARIs your LJ flocked, friends only or a bit of both?:What do you post about?:What kind of new friends are you looking for?:Other social networking sites you use:Other fandoms?:Favorite book:Favorite food:Favorite color:Favorite music: Anything else (yes, this includes a GIF spam):Alright, we expect y'all to play nicely. You know how friending memes work, so we don't want to see any wank (and other non-friendly acts), yeah? Okay... good. Ready? Set? Off you go!
In case you want to pimp the friending meme:
http://ontd-merlin.livejournal.com/298075.html" target="new">http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm38/04kate04/S4-Friending.png" border="0">