
Apr 08, 2008 17:26

Follow these. It'll make life easier for all of us.

This is a gritty, dirty RP. People get hurt. There’s foul language, sex, drugs, and violence, some of which goes into very explicit detail. You must label your posts accordingly, and please make use of lj-cuts and post subjects in the onoratalogs community to do so. Just about any content within the posts themselves is fine, though moderators may still delete one, if we feel the content is simply too much.

In short, this game is intended for players 16 and older. Of course, we don't have any real proof of your age. If you act like you're much older, and we honestly can't tell, we won't hold it against you. Please respect our decision if the moderators decide you should be removed from the game because of your age, though. If the moderators have chosen that course of action, it's because we don't feel you've matured enough to handle the material that Onorata presents.
(As a side note, no one has been banned from this game because of the age constraint yet.)

We all hate being tied up because someone decided they don't actually need to post. While activity is only necessarily required two or three times a month, everyone will be much happier if you can post more often than that. It's easier to keep plot moving and keep muses alive if you don't have random pauses in posting.
To enforce the need for consistent activity, every month there will be some form of activity check. If you don't fill it out properly for each character you play, that character will be dropped.
(If you're on a HIATUS, you're exempt from activity checks.)

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are all important, and your application showed us that you know how these work in English. It is also important, though, to keep your character consistent. People don't change all of a sudden without good reason, and it's always better to keep your character acting in line with their canon personality wherever possible.

There are a few different forms of this horrible RP faux-pas known as "god-modding."

In one manner, god-modding is making your character absolutely perfect. They never get hurt, they never end up in bad situations, it's impossible to make them sad, they always get their get the point. That's no fun for anyone at all. You're playing in a mafia RP. You should be expecting your character to get hurt, and to get involved in completely unwarranted situations that you didn't really plan for. They might have to deal with the death of their loved one, or they may have to fight someone they greatly cared for.

Another version of god-modding is where you dictate what another character, whom you do not play, does within your own post. There are few things that will upset a player more quickly than being told what their character is doing by another player. This can go in a few ways, from robbing a character of a chance to react in a significant manner by skipping them when it's their turn in a log, to saying that your character's bullet definitely hit their opponent, regardless of the other player's desire for said bullet. While you can initiate actions that will affect other characters, you cannot dictate the results of these actions for those other characters.

Try not to get bent out of shape because of a game - it's meant to be fun and relaxing. Think about the consequences before you post something. Don't be an ass to players, and realize that if someone's character is an ass it's got nothing to do with you personally. On that note, don't vent your frustration for a player via your character either.

Above all else, conduct yourself with maturity and a level head - if you have a problem, don't be venomous about it, don't swear, don't lie and manipulate. Especially not when you're speaking with the moderators. Whether you're right or wrong, we're going to have a zero-tolerance policy for bullshit, quite bluntly, so don't get out of line, don't stress out our players or mods. Repeat after me: this is just a game. This is just for fun. There is no need to act like the world is ending. Now breathe. Good!

If you have issues with the plot, the mods, the players, anything at all in relation to this game, please feel free to hit up the CONCERNS/COMPLAINTS BOX so things can be dealt with accordingly. Additionally, you can always discuss matters with the moderators via their email: onoratamods[AT]gmail[DOT]com.

No one wants to see their favorite characters leave, but sometimes it's just unavoidable. If you drop any of your characters, you need to post to both the onorataooc community informing the rest of the roleplay of your characters' status, and you need to fill out the dropped character form on the Hiatus/Drop page.

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