WHO: Aigis and Kuja
WHAT: Kuja looking like the cat that caught the canary. Plotting things. General Kuja-made harassment?
WHERE:Aigis' Apartment
WHEN: Late evening of Day 153. Somewhere between the hours of 21:00 and 00:00 (9:00pm and Midnight).
The canary I've been after... She flew into my cage of her own free will. )
Comments 11
The knock on the door caught her completely off guard. Ichigo would have called to say he was coming by, and she didn't think that anyone else had her address. So when she stood up, she let the fingertips on her right hand pull back, ready to shoot at whoever was on the other side if need be.
"Who is there?"
"I believe we spoke over the phone, Miss Aigis. Or that could have been a mere flight of my imagination. If you are still interested in speaking, I think it would be easier if your door was not between us."
"I would prefer it if you didn't speak in circles. Tell me what your offer is so I can have time to consider it." His speech patterns grated on her nerves, made her think of old enemies.
"Do you not like circles, Miss Aigis? A pity, to hate such an eternity- a loop with no beginning and no end. Though I suppose that is very different from my offer, seeing it is finite in it's own origins and the means it wishes to reach. However, I am disinclined to keep from circles until I see a point in speaking in lines." Oh and such a well crafted speech, now lets just see if she can see the point to it. The point that Kuja was testing her.
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