Title: Trying to Fight Gravity (Title comes from a lyric in Ani Difranco's Falling Is Like This)
Characters: Booth, Brennan
Rating: T
Spoilers: Through Double Trouble in the Panhandle
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: Bones and its characters belong to FOX, not me. This story is purely meant to entertain. No copyright infringement is intended.
Story Notes:
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Comments 26
Well, that answers both questions very nicely. I've missed your writing, but glad things are going well in your latter weeks. Take care and looking forward to the next status reports! :) *hugs*
This isn't them; it's Buck and Wanda or Boris and Natasha or...
Or nothing. What's the point in lying to himself? He doesn't need Sweets to tell him those characters are all parts of him and his partner.
This. ♥
That said, *hugs* Good luck!
Every episode aired from January until now scream for a filling B&B missing scene and you know I love yours just a little too much :P
So, whenever you want to give us something...we're willing to accept it :)
Thanks for this ficlet and for all the others you wanna write ;)
Lovely. Absolutely lovely.
I was going to copy my favorite part but kept finding myself highlighting the whole thing... Alright, if forced it would have to be: He doesn't need Sweets to tell him those characters are all parts of him and his partner. So nice to see him recognize it.
Good luck with the little one! :)
Edited because I'm a dork and forgot a word. *shakes head*
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