Title: Touching The Heavens Above. (One Shot) Author: onkeyloves Pairings: Onew/Key Ratings: G Genre: Romance. Summary: It's still comes back to just loving you and never letting go.
it's so sad....T_T onkey doesn't exist in reality but on my mind i would deaf to other say when it come to them but reality against them, so keep alive in our heart **sobs**
why u have to write this kind of fic?it's so sad u know!!get me back to earth *sigh*
aigoo~! -bows crazily- I'm sorry! )= I hope they exist in reality though! just like you, i refuse to believe people when they say they don't exist! i don't know why i wrote it too! >,< -hugs-
ah~im sorry again! It just felt close to heart /: I'll try to make a fluff fic next time! XD & would giving you onkey cookies and onkey huggles be enough? =X -pulls you back to earth!- Thanks for commenting and reading!♥
omg! YOU WRITE SUCH GOOOD ANGST BABY!! i'm so proud of you. haha
but kibum! he's so broken, i can feel it! D: i hate how his parents are so mean, they need to learn how to accept homosexuals. and jinki cannot bear seeing kibum in pain. =T it's true love!!! <3
haha! Thank you bb!♥ you flatter me. >,< -hides blushing face-
sighhs, I'm glad you could feel it, when I re-read my fic, I felt as though, i couldnt feel anything! /: onkey love conquers all! I would force key's parents to accept them even if it cost the sacrifice of Jinki's chickens! XD ah~! onkey is REAL! true love reminds me of a movie! LOL. forgot the title! -smacks self-
OH NOES. You did it again, you almost broke my heart :( Why so sad? But... It's so beautiful. And most of all, it's realistic. That what saddens me more than everything. In real life, their love can never happen, and if it happens, it can never be good for them, no happily ever after, nothing. :( And it's just why I love happy endings. The give us hope for those people, who suffer this for real. I worship you for this beauty. :) And thank you for the ending, I gueass it can be called happy ;)
)= -mends back the pieces as accurately as i can- I guess I got pretty depress myself while listening to ( 5 steps by Dru Hill ) & this idea just pop into my head. Mianhae! >,<
aigoo~! Thank you for complimenting~! I feel really good! -huggles- really hopping you feel better! sighs, Sometimes, i'll pretend its real, and my fantasy's basically reality! =X i'm really sorry! i promise i'll try my best to come out with fluffiness to make up for this! =X don't suffer! please! ah. worship is too strong of a word. -blushing- but thank you so much!~it means alot!♥♥
yupp! the nagging in my head from my previous head was reminding me that even though this is sad, i cannot and will not break them apart! I didn't want any of my commenters to be sad! >,< ♥♥
haha! I know i know! I read it~! I almost pounced and killed you! XD but i wouldnt do anything to my bb! I still love you! =D -or maybe killed you and revive you immediately- ^^
really? =X ah! another flattery. you all write so much better than me!♥ But thank you so much!~ it means alot to me! =D
Comments 93
onkey doesn't exist in reality but on my mind
i would deaf to other say when it come to them
but reality against them, so keep alive in our heart **sobs**
why u have to write this kind of fic?it's so sad u know!!get me back to earth *sigh*
ah~im sorry again! It just felt close to heart /: I'll try to make a fluff fic next time! XD & would giving you onkey cookies and onkey huggles be enough? =X -pulls you back to earth!-
Thanks for commenting and reading!♥
i'm so proud of you. haha
but kibum! he's so broken,
i can feel it! D:
i hate how his parents are so mean,
they need to learn how to accept homosexuals.
and jinki cannot bear seeing kibum in pain. =T
it's true love!!! <3
you flatter me. >,< -hides blushing face-
sighhs, I'm glad you could feel it, when I re-read my fic, I felt as though, i couldnt feel anything! /:
onkey love conquers all! I would force key's parents to accept them even if it cost the sacrifice of Jinki's chickens! XD
ah~! onkey is REAL! true love reminds me of a movie! LOL. forgot the title! -smacks self-
Thanks for commenting and reading!♥
You did it again, you almost broke my heart :( Why so sad?
But... It's so beautiful. And most of all, it's realistic. That what saddens me more than everything. In real life, their love can never happen, and if it happens, it can never be good for them, no happily ever after, nothing. :( And it's just why I love happy endings. The give us hope for those people, who suffer this for real.
I worship you for this beauty. :) And thank you for the ending, I gueass it can be called happy ;)
aigoo~! Thank you for complimenting~! I feel really good! -huggles- really hopping you feel better! sighs, Sometimes, i'll pretend its real, and my fantasy's basically reality! =X i'm really sorry! i promise i'll try my best to come out with fluffiness to make up for this! =X don't suffer! please! ah. worship is too strong of a word. -blushing- but thank you so much!~it means alot!♥♥
yupp! the nagging in my head from my previous head was reminding me that even though this is sad, i cannot and will not break them apart! I didn't want any of my commenters to be sad! >,<
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really? =X ah! another flattery. you all write so much better than me!♥ But thank you so much!~ it means alot to me! =D
^^ & i love you as much as you love this fic!
forgive me!! XD
(The comment has been removed)
It was written lovelily. *gives cookie*
Thank you! even though everyone probably writes alot better than me (:
Thank you for commenting and reading!♥
-gives chocolates for my blunder!-
YAY! CHOCOLATE! *glomp* *does special chocolate dance*
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