Here's an
interesting interview that starts off sounding like your typical off-the-derech story.
Girl grows up in an insular Chassidic environment, is married off at age 17 and has 3 kids by the age of 23. She then divorces her husband, leaves her community and starts working on degrees and careers.
But that's where the the typical off-the-derech
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Comments 33
I still think theta Torah and Talmud is a true path to enlightenment and people that teach Talmud I think are doing a good thing. However the position of rabbi as shul rabbis is a position that should be abolished. It is like the bully in the 6th grade that used to make younger kids crawl through the mud just because he could and he enjoyed watching.the next year the 7th grade kids beat the living daylights out of him. If only Jews would be as smart a bunch of thirteen year old. We see rabbis abusing others. and all we do is blog about it. It is time to send a clear message--one that they cant ignore.
I for one am tired of all their rationalizations and excuses and blaming the victims.
One cannot be Hassidic and be a Lesbian.
I can only imagine the relationship she has with her family, its one thing to be OTD, and quote another to be OTD and a Lesbian.
She can believe in God , but obviously her sexual orientation is not compatible with hassidism
But to me, regardless of her orientation, I would think that breaking with your family and everything that you have known for 23 years would be completely incompatible with still cherishing the ideas they hold to be important- Hashem, spiritual beliefs, ceremonies, etc, etc.
You know my story but it's similar-- I got annoyed/disillusioned with a lot of Orthodoxy. Now I've found a place and way of life that is still very observant, but without the crap. And it reminds me every day/Shabbat why I love being Jewish in the first place.
It will become aparant why she left the Haredi community.
She still lives an orthodox lifestyle , although I am at a loss how she gets away with it
Yes and also because she is challenging it in such a peaceful serene way.
I heard the founder of Jewish Renewal speak almost 20 years ago, and it was literally mind-blowing - a total paradigm shift from almost everything else I had heard in the Jewish world.
It's really hard to describe - you had to see this guy in action. He basically took the incredible spiritual energy of Hassidism (he's a former Chabad shaliach), but removed everything narrow or insular or dogmatic. Instead of endless debate and bickering between movements, there's a respect for the idea that everyone is one a spiritual path searching for G-d. I remember him talking about how people can become spiritually "blocked" on a certain path (for example, by traumatic events like the Holocaust) and then turn to other paths that aren't associated with that pain (like Eastern religions).
Did you ever manage to read The Jewish Catalog series? It basically put Jewish Renewal ideas into the Jewish mainstream in the 1970s. Find an old copy to get a better sense of it.
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