That's what my heart beats for [Act 1]

Dec 23, 2009 12:16

Title: That's what my heart beats for  (a MeiAirSea collab} [Act 1]
Genre: err.. I have no idea~ xD
Pairing:  KyuMin
Rating: PG13
Warnings: un-BETAed. kindly point out some grammatical errors! ^^
Word Count: too many. xD
Summary: Kyuhyun was a prank maker and Sungmin was his bestfriend. :)


Months had passed since that.

“Hyung, look! I just created the evilest and the most sadistic plan! Ah, I can’t believe I’m this genius! I’ll sell this with crazily high price, hahaha.”

Sungmin took a glance of the paper Kyuhyun was showing him. There were many pictures and descriptions fully drawn on the paper. Sungmin became pale. One thing that caught Sungmin’s attention was a drawing of a boy who was hung backwards with legs tied to the ceiling, mouths covered by a cloth, and eyes covered by blindfolds. Sungmin closed his eyes, couldn’t imagine if the sketch became real.

“Don’t you have a pity for whoever the target is?”

“I can be careless about that. As long as I don’t know who it is.”

Sungmin sighed, already know how extremely oblivious his best friend was. “Well, don’t blame me if one day you regret that.”

“Come on, Hyung. Don’t tell me you’re still trying to stop me for that guy! What’s the name again, Donghae?” Kyuhyun protested.

Sungmin didn’t answer.


“You’re Cho Kyuhyun, right?”

Kyuhyun nodded. The one who called him was a girl. Her hair was hid under his cap and she wore a mask that was usually used in a prom or ball, clearly trying to blur her identity. Kyuhyun smirked for getting another customer. But somehow, Kyuhyun felt this girl was familiar.

“I want to buy your bullying idea. I want the best quality one.” She put some money on his table and smiled slyly.

“Tell me your intention and how the target was.”

“He is sweet, cute, nice, a bit nerdy but sexy. Further description, just look at Lee Sungmin, the smartest guy in this school. They are similar, I guess. As for the intention, it’s revenge. I like him, but he rejected me,” said the girl simply. “Please make it as painful as possible. I’ll pay you high if it works.”

Kyuhyun was confused and surprised. First, he thought that the reason was so shallow. Was rejecting a person you don’t like a crime? Second, because she said that the target was similar to Sungmin. He suddenly remembered that this girl once asked Sungmin out. He knew this because he always took his eyes on Sungmin.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to bully Sungmin! You did confess to him, didn’t you?” accused Kyuhyun.

The girl looked startled. “Ah, I forgot he is your close friend. Yeah, I confessed and he rejected me, but it’s okay, because it’s understandable if he has high standard for it. But this target, he’s nothing compared to Sungmin. I like him just because ‘cute guy’ was my type. Actually he’s just cute, but has no brain and no behavior. How dared such a person reject me!” She then smiled. “Ah, I said too much. By the way, I hope tomorrow I can get the perfect plan already. Bye for now.” And so the girl left.

Kyuhyun nodded in understanding and agreement. Then he took the money and blinked. 20,000 Won for only a piece of paper?? He happily sold his best idea which he just made on the previous day.


Cho Kyuhyun might know how to solve Maths and how to make a perfect evil plan, but there were things he didn’t know, like the fact that his own best friend recently became the target of his own idea. Many people bullied Sungmin lately, mostly those who had ever been the target before, including the girl who lied to Kyuhyun that day.

Sungmin at first cursed and cried while being bullied, but after a while he stopped for it was useless. He had ever felt being hit, stripped, hung, flushed by mud and water, anything until he didn’t complain anymore.

His scores were still amazing and his personality was still the same like usual, so Kyuhyun didn’t know anything. Until one day.

Kyuhyun received a message on his locker.

Go to the music room. This is the last, so we’d like to show you what you’ve done to your own friend.

~13 persons who have ever felt what he’s feeling now~

Kyuhyun’s eyes widen with the mention of the word ‘friend’ in the letter. Out of the few people who tolerated his personality, he didn’t know why the face of his best friend suddenly popped out of his mind. He rushed outside the locker room and into the music room.

His hands were trembling as soon as he reached the knob to the door of the music room. He slowly opened the door only to be greeted by his own best friend on the spotlight, filled with wounds, covered with mud, hanging upside down the stage, eyes blindfolded and mouth filled with cloth. He gasped at the sight and immediately ran towards his best friend to release him.

As soon as he reached the mini-stage, he desperately freed Sungmin from all the mess he is in, he pulled the cloth out of his best friend’s mouth and he removed the blindfold that has been covering the others eyes. As Sungmin opened his eyes, he gave Kyuhyun a smile that almost broke the others heart. After untangling him and making him lie on his lap, he heard claps from the space behind him.

‘Aren’t you fascinated with your own work Cho Kyuhyun?’ He heard a voice of a girl and he immediately turned around but saw nothing.

‘Who are you?! Show yourself if you are brave enough to face me!’

‘Oh, as much as I want to be afraid of that threat, I believe you are not in the position to say anything of the sort right now.’ the voice was heard just as he saw a girl walking in the middle aisle going to the stage. His eyes widen when he saw the very same girl who paid him lots of money the other day.

‘What the hell?! You said it’s not him!!’

‘You might be a Math genius but sometimes you lack common sense. How can you easily believe people just like that?’ the smug smile the girl gave him only made Kyuhyun more irritated and made him hate himself more.

‘I must say your works are genius. Even your best friend confirmed.’

Kyuhyun sent a death glare to the girl. ‘Just because he rejected you? You went over the limits and did something to him? Don’t you deem yourself shallow?’

‘Of course not. I would’ve accepted if it was because of another girl, but he said he already loves someone, and that someone was a guy’ The girl’s eyebrows flinched as she said those words. Kyuhyun’s heart stopped.

‘And don’t worry, your best friend already undergone everything. Thanks to your works.’

‘What are you saying?’ Kyuhyun said, just as instead of the girl, he heard another voice answer him.

‘Remember last week when his bunny died? Did you really think it was an accident?’

‘Yes it was! We saw how he choked on the food and died!’

‘And that is because we put rat poison in its food’

‘R-rat poison?’ He suddenly remembered one of his works that he sold almost 2 weeks ago.

‘Remember everything?’ Kyuhyun saw a guy appear from the back of the hall, it was the guy whom he sold his bunny death prank.

‘And do you remember why Sungmin was wearing a cap for 2 whole weeks last month?’ Kyuhyun turned just to see another guy appear on the stage who gave him a smirk.

‘Careless shaver? Have you forgotten Cho Kyuhyun? You sold it to me for 5000 Won’

This went on and after another 10 minutes, 13 people already appeared in the hall, all surrounding the two of them that is on the stage.

‘Fascinating isn’t it? Didn’t Sungmin ever tell you how amazing your works are?’ Kyuhyun can’t speak a word as he finally knew the truth. Instead, he looked at Sungmin in the eyes and saw the tangled mess which is his best friend. He expected the other to look at him with eyes full of hatred, he doesn’t deserve to be the friend of this person, he was ready to accept everything Sungmin does to him, but instead, he saw such loving eyes accompanied with a cheerful smile which made his heart feel more guilty and hurt.

‘Are we going to do your assignments after this? Or have you done it yourself this time?’ That was the only thing Sungmin said to him before consciousness left the other person.

pairing: kyuhyun x sungmin, chap: twmhbf

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