Title: Possessive Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daelo Rating: G Warning: Just a short. Summary: Daehyun tries to change things. Notes: In response to the 'non-possessive' part in Daehyun's intro.
Title: Wet the Bed Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daejae Rating: NC-17 Warning: Crossdressing, tiltyourheadandsquint masochism, and face shot. Summary: Youngjae loses a bet. Daehyun gets a surprise. Notes: For my girl<3
Title: Belt Problems Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daejong Rating: R Warning: Just a quickie. Summary: The reason for this Notes: I wrote this in someone's ask box but I wanted to post it too =)
Title: Bodywork Band: B.A.P Pairing: YoungDae Rating: NC-17 Warning: Top!Jae Summary: Youngjae needs some front end service. Notes: I have a thing for cars/motorcycles.
Title: Cocktease Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daejong Rating: NC-17 Warning: My shitty writing? Crossdressing.. Summary: Jongup comes home to a nice surprise. Notes: Inspired by this post. (Kind of.)
Title: Good Boys Gone Bad Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daejong Rating: NC-17 Summary: They told him to stay away. He didn't listen. Notes: Listening to rock music gives me feels.
Title: After Hours Band: B.A.P Pairing: HimDae Rating: Hard R Warning: Humiliation. Exhibitionism. Cross Dressing. Summary: Himchan is a businessman. Daehyun is his secretary. Notes: This turned out different than I originally intended but whatever
Title: Craving Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daejong Rating: R Warning: Vampire!Daehyun, BJ Summary: Only you can satisfy me, Jonguppie. Notes: Because vampires that don't sparkle are sexy. ( Read more... )