Title: Good Boys Gone Bad Band: B.A.P Pairing: Daejong Rating: NC-17 Summary: They told him to stay away. He didn't listen. Notes: Listening to rock music gives me feels.
The night is old but the lights are all new, flashing and casting them in sharp contrasts. oh this is a really pretty line *____*! and omg, jongup holding daehyun down is a fiiine mental image too~♥ badass jonguppie is super hot.
I want your blog title to be on my gravestone please. This is so much perfection and I just keep rereading it because... PERFECTION. Perfect characterization, choice of words, topic (ahem)~ /praises you ;w;
Comments 2
This is so much perfection and I just keep rereading it because...
Perfect characterization, choice of words, topic (ahem)~
/praises you ;w;
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