Title: Call Alert
Genre: Action/Adventure; Humor
Words: 264
Character(s): Nami; Chopper; Zoro (mention of)
Prompt: Special
Summary: Nami's search to find a rare gem on an uncharted island is interrupted unexpectedly.
Note: Continuation of a previous drabble submission, which can be found: {
LJ }
Right now, they had to attend to a couple of rare gems of their own - their crew. )
Comments 2
The first installment is just hilarious and lovely in every way (God, Brook's lines were just great!).
And then this one is just super sweet 8D The last few sentences are just beautiful!
Wonderful characterization and nice use of prompts~ I love how this one continues after another and I hope another prompt someday strikes you to write yet another chapter!
*snorts* And I just realized that since Luffy decided to run back, Usopp is probably all alone in the forest or something freaking out xD Pffff.
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