Title: "BOOM!" went their vacation
Genre: Action/Adventure; Humor
Characters: Sanji, Brook, Robin, Franky, & Luffy (Nami, Zoro, Chopper, & Usopp mentioned in passing)
Prompt: explosion
Word Count: 296
When they anchored on an island, Luffy and Usopp had been the first ones to leap out to explore. Nami, upon learning of a legendary emerald on “Emerald Island,” had dragged Zoro and Chopper along on her treasure hunt.
It wasn't long after that a mysterious barrel was sighted in the water close by, and the four remaining pirates decided against their better judgement to fish it out of the water.
“This is a familiar situation,” Sanji stated dryly.
“I can feel an ominous feeling in my bones!” Brook exclaimed. “All two hundred and six of them! Ah, but I may have lost a tooth or two over the years so it might actually be two-hundred and four now...”
“It's true that there's a strange aura coming from the barrel,” Robin interjected. “I don't think it wise to open it.”
“Don't worry, bros! My super missiles can shoot anything clear out of the water!” As if to make a point, large missiles ready to fire lifted out of his forearms as Franky struck a pose.
Robin patted Franky's metal chest with a smile. “I don't think that's necessary, Franky. But than-”
“What's this barrel doing here?”
At the voice of their captain, all four turned to where they had last placed the barrel to see Luffy trying to pry open the lid. They shouted in unison:
The lid popped open and a red flare shot out of it noisily, exploding above their ship in the sky. All was silent on the Sunny as the five on board stared at the red embers burning up above.
And then;
“You shitty piece of rubber! What did we tell you not to do?!”