Title: Room Sharing
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: SanjixPerviness, NamixHer Robe
Word Count: 210
Prompt: Heat
A bead of sweat trickled down Nami’s forehead and she swore under her breath. The bastard was doing this on purpose.
She glanced over at him, nonchalantly looking at his cooking magazine. She wondered if he had actually read any of it. He had at least made a show of turning a few pages.
They wouldn’t be in this situation if they hadn’t been the only ones to end up on this side of the island, and if it hadn’t been so expensive to rent them their own rooms for the night, Nami would have taken that option instead. But no, she had gone the cheap route, and now she was laying in a stifling hot room that just kept getting hotter, and she was sure that Sanji was doing it on purpose.
Well, she wouldn’t let him win this one. She was keeping her robe on.
The temperature kept rising.
Another bead of sweat traced a path down her cheek.
Nami stood up. “This,” she announced, “is going to cost you ten million beri.”
She took the robe off so that she was in only her very skimpy satin nightgown.
Sanji’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull.
The temperature rose a few more degrees.
Nami tripled his interest.