Choose Your Adventure...

Dec 18, 2011 05:30

Today is the day.

You may have come to the Land of Departure seeking strength, skills or chasing a dream. Or maybe you came because you're trying to escape something: a desolate world, crippling self doubt, or had nowhere else to go. Either way, it's been a long journey with Sora, training and learning and fighting to earn the right to earn the ( Read more... )

∞ axel [v1], ∞ sora [v3], riku [v2], ∞ roxas [v1], tseng [v1], ∞ sora [v2], ami mizuno [v2]

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Comments 59

soraaaaa T_T also, 1 plz waterfell December 18 2011, 13:48:48 UTC
He's wrong. She isn't ready. And she doesn't want to say farewell this time. Death is different from desertion. She can't take that weapon, she can't make anything even related to light shine anymore; hadn't that been the problem during all her tests? She failed completely to keep the darkness within her from overwhelming her.

So why is he doing this? Grimly, she knows it's the pressure of the situation, of his impending loss. Of the fact he won't be here tomorrow to smile at her (how does he do that, still smiling at her?). Of the fact they won't train together anymore. She knows it isn't her.

Finally, she nods. It'd be a disgrace to both of them, and to this act of sacrifice, for her to throw it away by refusing. "I understand," she says, and it's at least half true. That will have to be enough.


Re: soraaaaa T_T also, 1 plz lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 14:05:58 UTC
But Sora's taught her long enough to know what she's thinking and what's going through her mind. She's never had enough confidence in herself, never seen what Sora has always seen in her from the moment he found her. She's stronger than he knows, has been a source of strength for the others. For him too.

He knows there isn't really time- it's so precious and there's so little of it. But he wants her to know. Needs her to before she leaves. At least, even if things are bleak for him, with the keyblade in her hands, she'll find a way out. She knows where the ship is, knows these corridors like the back of her hand. And once she's gone, and safe, maybe Sora can pick himself up again and try. It's never been his way to give up. Not on Ami, not even with the dark knocking on his doorstep.

"Do you know why I'm giving it to you now? Why I've never given it to you before?"


waterfell December 18 2011, 14:14:37 UTC
That's just it. She's never understood his faith that she could be something better than she is, his confidence that there is good inside her somewhere, and not the rotted creature, the soldier who brings death and darkness and taints world after world. And even here at the end, her hand hovers without closing around the prize, her inheritance, until she can understand.

"I don't know!" It comes out louder, harsher than she intended, almost an accusation. She forces herself to a calm she doesn't feel. "So tell me."

If she can just understand, she can make herself accept it. Somehow. She can find that strength she doesn't really have. Someone thinks she can be an heiress of the light, as she should have been- how many years ago now?


lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 14:40:02 UTC
Time to address her fears, his concerns. Time to bring out everything they've both avoided for so long. There isn't any other time besides now.

"It's... not about all the darkness in your heart." A long time ago, Riku and Namine, Mickey and Roxas- they all taught him a little bit about the heart, about darkness and light. Things he's never understood before. Things he's carried with him as he took Ami under his wing and prepared her for this moment. And it has been a concern that she hasn't been able to produce any powerful light, that her heart has so much darkness.

But that isn't all there is to Ami.

"It's about everything else you've got in there. There's way more to you thank just the darkness." Sora knows as much, because he's got a little bit of lingering dark in his heart too. Ami needs both darkness and light. Two sides of a coin.

"I wanted you to figure that out about you too."


/fucks with canon as per damn usual vacationisalie December 18 2011, 13:57:26 UTC
[There were too many things in this that Roxas didn't understand yet. Age was always a factor, the difference between himself and Sora much more pronounced with the impact of an age gap; most frustratingly, there were still many questions left to ask ( ... )


lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 14:22:49 UTC
[Sora nods, a whisper of a laugh.] It's what keyblades are for, right?

[Roxas ... doesn't look a day older than fifteen. Like someone's just ripped him from his memories, and set him down in front of him. He's the same; Like the day he woke up and found Roxas. Everything hurts; nothing's felt this bad before. But he can't stop smiling. He's tried to see Roxas again for so long, tried so many things.]

[There are scratching noises, inhuman footsteps in the distance, flashes of yellow outside all the windows. But he's smiling so much. Feels like it'll never go away.]

You know what's kinda funny?


vacationisalie December 18 2011, 14:32:34 UTC

[Doesn't seem that way when Sora's still bleeding out on the floor. But maybe, just maybe the keyblade can help. Because he's always been able to do more with it- always been taken as that kid with the key, when people actually looked away from Sora for a moment.]

[Kind of fun to have something else to worry about, aside from not existing. His only reall attribute to like is to wield a metal object that looks really stupid.]

[Roxas eyes never stop darting about; he might just be an apprentice, might not have the skills he once had, but he knows how to count and that's a lot of enemies. But Aqua's been in touch; Ventus too. They're all on their way and he's just go to make sure Sora makes it long enough for the others to get here...]

[He wishes Sora would stop-- smiling. At him. It hurts.]

[ really hurts.]

What's that?


lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 14:50:32 UTC
I did some pretty stupid stuff when you first went away. Trying to see you again. They used to get so mad at me.

[Everything except use the keyblade on himself. Perpetually caught between missing Roxas but having him at least in his heart... and risking trying to separate them with the keyblade and lose his heart. Because Ven isn't there anymore to keep his heart safe enough for Roxas to find him again, and where would his heart go, and would they never see each other again, and what if Roxas was the only one left, all alone? He'd never do that to Roxas. Not on purpose.]

Sorry. Guess I should've tried a little sooner, huh?


3 welp curepotion December 18 2011, 15:52:18 UTC
[ he watches other students as they walk and talk and train below, both at peace and more anxious than ever. there will be no more guidance from now on. he will be alone in his decisions. he could ask for opinions from other Masters, but it will ultimately be up to him to decide, and while he's wanted this for so, so long, to relish his freedom and his mastery, it's still scary. as his hands rest on the railing of the balcony, his fingers tighten around it. what's going to happen now ( ... )


Re: 3 welp lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 16:17:41 UTC
[Figures Riku would be the one to worry. If anybody would do well as a Master, it would definitely be him. Sora had seen it in him, a glimmer of something unique, when they first met, knew he'd turn out to be something special. The only thing Riku keeping Riku from becoming a master until now was process.]

What's the matter, Riku? Don't tell me you're nervous.

[He comes to a stop at Riku's shoulder, allowing his elbows to rest on the railing. He casts his eyes out and over into the courtyard to see what his friend and now a fellow master is seeing.]


curepotion December 20 2011, 11:17:15 UTC
[ a brisk wind passes by and sends his sleep-mussed hair aloft. he sets his chin on his crossed arms atop the railing. ]

I don't want to pass on my mistakes.


lockandkeyblade December 20 2011, 22:46:36 UTC
Like what? [And Sora is giving a light tug to one of Riku's stray bangs.] Growing their hair a little long? I think they'll get by just fine with you as a Master.

You'll be a great teacher, Riku. You'll see.


1. ;~; reverse_destiny December 18 2011, 16:19:37 UTC
[So much is different here. Sora is older than he ever remembers seeing him. There is no Roxas (something that frightens him). Or perhaps he's just young, managed to break through to here at the wrong time. Still, he's here. And he's crouched with the other who's helped him through so much, and they're being attacked. But that's not the most distressing part. Not to him, at least. No, nor is the injuries the other has sustained.

The most distressing part is that he can't get the Heartless to back off.

Even before he came, before his adoptive father (if he can still be called that) devoured him from the inside-out and he was lost for awhile, he was able to still control them to a degree. But why... Why can't he now? Why won't they obey and back off and just stop long enough for some form of healing to be done?

But then Sora's holding his hand, and all he can do is stare. What? Ready?]

R-Ready for what?


lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 16:48:26 UTC
[And as the younger Sora, his darker self, situates himself in the dream, familiar memories that don't belong inside the dream start to filter in. Nothing clear manages to come to Sora's mind, only vague feelings and the emotions behind them, but one thing rings true: this is somebody important. Someone Sora's always needed to take care of and protect. And he can do so now.]

This keyblade. It'll keep you safe. And it's pretty important to me.

So... I need you to take really good care of it once I give it to you... okay?


reverse_destiny December 18 2011, 16:54:20 UTC
[...Keep him safe? But if he's safe, what about--]

What about you?

[He didn't come all this way just to lose someone he cared about, not when there were precious few out there. Roxas, this Sora, maybe Riku, Ami... Not too many, really. Not enough people he could reach, and this is a strange twist on his worst fear of being abandoned. Except that it's not abandonment, it's that Sora might die.]


lockandkeyblade December 18 2011, 17:26:22 UTC
Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.

[Sora gives his best smile because there's no sense in scaring the other. So long as he gets out of this place all right, then it'll be okay. He just... wishes those memories were a lot clearer. He's pretty sure they're important.]

But you've got some really important things to do. Lots of worlds to see.

And lots of friends to make.


2! 8D plotdeviceturk December 20 2011, 01:15:25 UTC
Tseng nodded to Sora, he'd gotten used to not having a weapon that needed carrying and the uselessness of the materia he carried. It was all that had been salvageable when he'd first arrived, aside from his tie.

"I've been ready since you told me we were going." He replied, offering a small smile of his own. "This isn't the Pridelands is it?"


Do you have a preference for any world? C8 lockandkeyblade December 20 2011, 01:43:54 UTC
A chuckle. Tseng's humor has always been subtle, but he's never had trouble getting a laugh out of Sora.

"Nah. But we can always pack up and go there instead, if that's what you want as your first mission. How good are you at holding things in your teeth?"


UHM. UHM. Not really? SO MANY WORLDS. D: plotdeviceturk December 20 2011, 02:55:46 UTC
Tseng just shook his head, "I've had enough to wrap my head around without thinking of figuring out how to walk with an extra pair of legs." He replied, releasing a breath as he shifted on his feet. "Lead on, you're the one with the map."

Maybe he was being a tad too serious about this, but he'd rather be prepared for hostility and surprised by a warm welcome than the other way around.


Re: UHM. UHM. Not really? SO MANY WORLDS. D: lockandkeyblade December 20 2011, 15:43:53 UTC
"It's not that bad once you get used to it," but with that, Sora reaches forward to place his hand on the panel, but he holds off on opening the door just yet. "Oh- and by the way, it's not as cold as it looks."

Just one click and the door whooshes open to reveal a winter wonderland, a vast expanse of white with a cozy little town glittering below and a carousel sitting at its heart.

"Welcome to Christmastown."

There's enough heartless lingering around that Tseng can get a workout, but truth be told, he's kind of trying to see if he can actually get a smile out of the guy during his time here.


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