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Comments 61

i lied, have an updated eleven. thatoldthatkind September 17 2011, 21:10:45 UTC
[ The Doctor stands by the entrance to the Cauldron, not saying a word. He has a new coat now - green and long. He looks slightly older too, as if some of the childish glee has gone away. Or maybe that is simply because he understands what Usagi is going through. Or has gone through.

It seems like ages, but finally the Doctor steps up behind her. He doesn't say a word, simply standing beside her, arms crossed, looking out over the mass of unending blackness. ]


mmmm eleven *A* herlonelystar September 18 2011, 04:46:51 UTC
[ She's aware that she's no longer alone in this emptiness, but she makes no move to do her normal thing; hugging, clinging of the sort.

For what seems like ever, she just sits there until she finally breaks the eerie silence with a saddened voice. ]

It never gets better, does it?


usa bb~ thatoldthatkind September 18 2011, 10:28:24 UTC
The Cauldron or life itself?


herlonelystar September 26 2011, 06:05:31 UTC
[ Slowly, she pulls her legs from underneath her and curls them up against her chest, eyes staring but not really watching the empty expanse. ]

I was just so sure that there was a better way.. that everything would end up alright in the end.


[1/2] coming in for the battle >D waterfell September 17 2011, 21:16:47 UTC
[To be dead is to be waiting. There is cold to chill even her, and a void. Her body was reduced to dust in a scream of pain; she knows nothing more than that. She does not even know herself.

Her heart beats. Her mind sorts itself into new pathways. She sits up, and her prize catches her eye, a pair of golden bracelets. That's right. This is who she is: a soldier revived by the power of Galaxia.]


[2/2] waterfell September 17 2011, 21:17:53 UTC
[It's like waiting for a cue behind the scenes of a great play, a great tragedy they will break over Sailor Moon's head. She can hardly make herself be patient. Finally, they are ready: She is not alone here; all the senshi of the solar system have come to battle the foolish girl.]

Your next opponent is us!

[She is proud to reveal what will crush the girl's heart next: Endymion, on their side, giving the order to kill.

She is pleased to obey. She puts herself forward with Mars the very moment the order is given. The attack comes without hesitation or mercy.]


herlonelystar September 26 2011, 06:36:47 UTC
[ It all happens within a blink of an eye. She's already bolted forward the moment she sees her friends in the archway of Galaxia's castle. Adrenaline has rushed through her, and even if with her eyes she sees Mars and Mercury's attacks and even though she sees the Sailor Quartet down and out for the count and even more so when Jupiter attacks her, she can't believe the warnings of her future daughter.

Over and over, both she and Chibimoon are thrown around by everyone's power. Even Chibi Chibi isn't spared by the onslaught.

But somehow, Sailor Moon is able to rush past everyone and into the foyer where Endymion has retreated into -- she has to. Too much at stake to just up and be defeated. ]


waterfell September 26 2011, 07:00:06 UTC
[Let her try it. Like the fool she is, their prey has left its back open. The girls - she is one of them - are not slow to take advantage of it. They combine their attacks as they've done so many times to empower Sailor Moon; but there is nothing of that in their faces now, only the ugly thrill of the power itself.

They each stretch out their hands together - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus. Their power swells and multiplies with the force of Galaxia and their sham unity.]

Galactica Gale!


Cloud's late - as usual. findmyownreason September 20 2011, 12:33:18 UTC
[he doesn't understand it all.

He understands enough.

His boot steps are silent as he walks up to stand behind her.

He doesn't offer words because there are none.]


Usagi lives by a saying. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER AT ALL. /gets to shcool late herlonelystar September 21 2011, 13:51:50 UTC
[ Usagi just knows when Cloud's entered her dreamscape. Normally, when he appears she can just relax because he's protected her from herself and everything else when he's here. But when he appears it's a bag of mixed emotions:

She's glad he's here. She's sad he's seen why she's haunted. She wants to reach out and just hide in his shirt and she's ashamed because she couldn't prevent this disaster.

But she'll deal with the silence. Somehow. In some way. ]


findmyownreason September 22 2011, 06:19:24 UTC
[after a minute, he shifts over and sits down next to her. There's very little distance between them in the way he sits. Usagi's earned her way into his personal space and, he hopes, he's allowed into hers. One of his arms will go over his upraised knee and after a long moment, his voice will very softly ask:]

That was real?


herlonelystar September 26 2011, 06:27:01 UTC
[ He's earned his spot in her personal space the moment they met. Even in this dark reliving of reality, she still is able to take solace in his presence because he has done nothing but let her just be.

In fact, it's because he's here that she's able to make one small movement. Her gloved hand raises up and clings to his elbow. It's a simple gesture, but she's sure he'll understand that she needs this. That even if it's a part of her that she doesn't like, that she's okay that he's seen this. ]

The day I destroyed this place is coming up soon for me.


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