☆ she dreams of past demons 004;

Sep 17, 2011 13:54

[ There's always the element of disbelief that can distinguish nightmares for true fears. But this dream.. it may look like a nightmare, but to Usagi, it's reality. Scenes pass by in a flash but linger far too long for her taste.

People shatter into stardust before her; the first one being the worst. It's of a man. Tall with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. She and him are at the airport where he hands her a beautiful ring. He's in the middle of making a promise -- something to do when he returns from his trip before he pauses. He's quickly turning into stardust, leaving a golden crystal behined before a hand shoots out clutching it tightly. The stardust dissipates and it's a warrior in gold, staring with cruel amusement as Usagi's vision darkens.

The next are two dear friends -- the ones with the blessings of Jupiter and Mercury. There had been a battle with a different woman this time. Both of them are transformed, wrapped in ice white colored hair tendrils before they're hit with a power blast that cause them to crumble into nothing. Crystals in the colors of blue and green appear where their bodies were until they're snatched away.

Again two more friends perish at the hands of the golden warrior. The scene is of a japanese shinto shrine. She's managed to destroy a warrior with dark wings dark skin and red hair. The ones blessed with the planets of Mars and Venus look so happy when Usagi appears that while the race to gather together, they're caught unawares from the back. Their faces are horrified while their bodies disintigrate and before Usagi can snatch up the crystals left in their wake, the woman in gold has them and leaves maniacal laughter behind.

The golden warrior is named Galaxia. And only a tiny child with red hair is with her as Galaxia finds a way to taunt the moon rabbit. She plays on Usagi's fears -- torturing her with the image of Neptune and Uranus meeting the same fates as those before them. "Are you sure that the future you know is the real future? Do you really think the future you know will come to pass?"

The trip to Galaxia's stronghold is a difficult one. She and her Starlight comrades aren't even out of the solar system before she's left with the afterimage of Pluto and an untransformed Saturn disintigrating into dust. Resolve and anger strengthened, Moon, the Kinmoku Princess and the Starlights all head to the Zero Sagittarius Star System. So many deaths on the way to the final battle; most of her allies fall on the way to find Galaxia.

It seems like there's hope: The future child blessed by the moon and the color of pink cotton candy and her sailor senshi appear to help fight for everyone. But it seems that everyone has other plans. Galaxia is a cruel mistress it seems and has shaped her newest fighters to Sailor Moon's weakness. "Kill Sailor Moon. Get the Silver Crystal."

The image shifts and instead of a giant castle as the backdrop, the battle ground is a cliff that leads to a mass of swirling white: The Galaxy Cauldron: where everything is born from and comes to die at. The large container holding the stars of her dearest friends are thrown in, melting into nothingness as Galaxia laughs. Moon can't even grasp the last act of sheer cruelty: The corrupted version of her soul mate is pushed in, and as soon as he melts into the cauldron, her own future daughter disappears.

Alas, it is never over. Galaxia meets her fate at the rising Chaos, a much darker power that envelopes the beautiful swirling cauldron. Everything is dark except for Sailor Moon and Chibi Chibi. She learns of the Dark Stars, how everything was Chaos' plan to bring her here. He assaults her with dark power, which her power shield is able to deflect for the time being.

Chibi Chibi speaks in a voice much older than her childish body makes her out to be. "You must destroy the Cauldron, Sailor Moon. With it, Chaos will be destroyed as well. The only way to bring peace to this Galaxy is the do this." The look of horror says everything that Usagi can't.

She can't do this -- She doesn't want to do this but with no other option as Chaos grows larger and stronger by the second, she stands with tears streaming down her face as she rushes into the darkness.

The images disappear -- scattering into stardust like all the people in the after images of those memories. What's left is that same child sitting on the edge of the center of the universe staring at where the beautiful swirling mass of white was. She has no wings. Her battle uniform is tattered and torn in different places. Even her hair is loose and almost undone from its normal twin odango style.

But Sailor Moon is alive, face unreadable as the rest of her nightmare leaves her here until she decides to awaken. ]

(ooc: So, uh, tl;dr because sob, all of STARS is her nightmare: Lots of people die. She's forced to fight her dear friends that are corrupted. And she destroys the cauldron to keep the rest of the galaxy from dying out at the hand of Chaos. Which she does. Leaving her with nothing. END TL;DR sob, death anniversaries suck.

Here's a listing of the images I used in the post: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. )

the doctor (eleven) [v1], !theme: september '11, usagi tsukino [v2], cloud strife [v1], ami mizuno [v2]

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