[Application: Splendorocity] Director Alpha - Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou

Oct 15, 2010 21:44

Player Information:
Name: Mizure
Journal: mizure
Method of Contact: AIM: m1zure
Previous characters: N/A

Character Information:
Full Name: Director Alpha Koumi'ishi
Series: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Canon point: Post-series-ish
Age: Lord only knows...I mean. She looks to be in her mid-20s and always will. I can only estimate her real age by comparing her to the incredibly vague timeline of the series, but I would guess she's about 60.
Species: Robot
Appearance/PB: Ta-da~
Appearance upon arrival: Neat and put together as always.

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: N/A
Character History: Wikipedia has some helpful info. However, Director Alpha is a very minor character in this series, so for the most part the events of the main story don't affect her at all. Here's what is important:

The place is Japan, and the time is some unspecified year in the not too distant future. Triggered by an unspecified (vague series is vague) environmental disaster, the climate of the world has changed; ocean levels have risen significantly, entire cities are underwater or have generally fallen into disrepair, humanity is in decline and the world as a whole seems to be settling down for the end. People have settled into a simpler, more peaceful way of living.

The only truly fantastic element of this post-cataclysmic world is the presence of extremely humanoid robots, who live and work happily alongside the remaining humans. These ageless young women could pass convincingly for humans with very little difficulty, as they eat, sleep, dream, think, feel, and interact with the world with their own unique personalities, just like anyone else. The majority of robots living in Japan are the latest A7M3 model, though there are a very few rare M2's still around. Before both of those, however, was the M1 model- now known only in rumors as the "Phantom" model, these were one of the earliest complete robots created, and only a handful of prototypes ever existed.

One of these M1s, possibly the last remaining, is Alpha Koumi'ishi, referred to almost exclusively by her title, "Director Alpha". She was given her first name originally because she was one of the rare Alpha type robots, and it stuck. Her last name came from a doctor who was involved in a small way with the initial development of the robots, a woman known only as "Sensei". She lived with this doctor for a short while not long after her birth, before being taken away to work as the director of a giant aircraft called Taapon. Taapon circles the earth continuously with its aging passengers, no longer capable of landing, as they passively observe the changes of the now quiet Earth below.

Director Alpha leads a content but somewhat lonely life this way; carrying out her duties running the ship, wishing for the happiness of the robots that came after her who she will never meet, and dreaming of the short, happy days she spent on Earth many years ago.

Much like the nickname she has unknowingly received back on Earth, the "Phantom," Director Alpha sometimes seems to be as mysterious as her origins. She is a kind person, polite and friendly, but also slightly closed off and emotionally withdrawn to the point of seeming distant. She always seems to be cool, collected, and very in control. Almost all of her actions are measured and thought out, making her seem somewhat more robotic than her little brothers and sisters.

The M1 robots were designed to look and act a little older than later models, and Alpha's behavior towards her job certainly reflects this; very responsible and mature, she carries out her duties quickly and efficiently, taking modest satisfaction in a job well done. She is organized and good at getting things done, but is far from a workaholic; in fact, she seems to go about her work with very little real effort, and always seems to be relaxed and at ease. Such things come easy to her, probably the result of being a robot. She can take charge and run things, but is not really charismatic or outgoing enough to be a leader type.

Though mature and serious about her work, there is also the warmer, friendlier side of her. It isn't hard to become friends with her, and when she opens up and relaxes a little she can even become more excitable and childish, joking and acting silly. Still, she is hesitant to really get close to people, because as a robot she will presumably spend the rest of her existence aboard the silent Taapon, long after her human companions have all passed away. Although she understands and accepts this, she is very aware of her lonely fate.

Although quiet and deliberate in almost all her actions, she has been known to get lost in daydreams on occasion, more frequently as the years wear on. Looking down on the land where she was born, she becomes caught up in memories of that place and, when she has the chance, she spends her time trying to recreate those experiences (such as using a glass bottomed pool in an out of the way section of the plane to simulate swimming in the ocean, which she was only able to do once).

During these oddly intense flights of fancy are some of the few times she can really be caught off guard. Once she's been thrown off by anything, the capable and almost mechanical facade drops and she gets easily flustered and frazzled. She quickly attempts to cover this up and pretend that she's not bothered, but these are definitely the times she shows the most emotion. On the other hand, though she doesn't display it, she certainly feels things very deeply. Like all robots, she has a deep emotional connection to simple, natural things. This is why a few years on Earth made such a deep impression on her that hasn't diminished after decades in the air. It's often suggested that because of how they were built, they simply connect with the world on a different level of intensity than humans.

Character Abilities: Robots in YKK are ridiculously human. They eat, sleep, get drunk, get hurt, etc. They have no super strength or special powers. However, they are very resilient; they need much less food or drink than humans do to survive. Their skin is self-healing to an extent (a sunburn heals completely in a few hours, for example). And, of course, they don't age.
Possessions: Nothing really special, just the clothes on her back, including a small pendant from Sensei that she always wears.
Anything else: Not really!

Action/Communication thread/post sample: I tried a dear_mun post, but it was last minute and my friends are jerks and only one person tagged it as of writing this, a few people have tagged and I'm threading right now. I'm not sure if this is alright, so if you need a different sample, please let me know!

Log/Prose sample: She loved Earth.

It was impossible for her not to. She'd only lived the first few of her many years there, but she loved it still. She loved the sight it made from their viewing windows, that brilliant blue sphere turning below them. She loved the color of it. She loved the image the clouds traced out, the shadows they cast on the landscape. And she loved the lights that continued to shine stubbornly from the remaining cities and towns, bright as stars. She loved Taapon as well; the ship and all its passengers were her dear friends. But Earth was the home that had birthed her.

She closed her eyes, breathed deeply and slipped beneath the surface of the water again. Floating like this, her eyes shut tight, it was easy to pretend she wasn't living in an upside down world, with clouds and stars below her instead of above. Slowly, she opened them again, focusing through the gently rippling water to the clear bottom. She could see the surface of the planet far below, the green and blue shapes twisting away into the distance. She pushed against the side and sank to the bottom where she pressed against the glass. She stayed there, hypnotized by the view, until her lungs began to hurt.

There was no worry of being missed by anyone at this time. She had already run maintenance checks on every section of the ship; then she did it again, just because there was nothing else to be done. Checking readings, taking measurements, noting changes. There weren't any, of course. There rarely were. Taapon continued to ghost through the skies without a care, year after year, following the same charted course in the same way it had for decades.

The water rushed in her ears, magnifying every sound and vibration. She'd been told once that at the height they flew, the noise of the engines was indistinguishable on the ground. So quiet it was more like a cloud than a machine, they had said. She couldn't imagine it. Even in these quietest moments - here by the reservoir pools, far away from the main sections, where no one was around to move and speak and break the silence - the entire ship still roared with life. Every part down to the smallest gear constantly turning, whirring, humming; all working for the sole purpose of carrying them safely to their next destination.

She remembered living near the ocean, in that small house at the start of her life. It was never completely quiet there either. The Earth was constantly speaking, in every crash of waves, and each chirp and rustle and call of the animals that filled the woods. Both of her homes spent each moment of their existence giving its children life, and neither was ever truly silent, for those who listened.

She wondered how many people down on the surface of the little blue planet paused to look up as the massive craft passed overhead every six years. She wondered what a sight they made, a white bird on silent wings. She wondered about her brothers and sisters, scattered across the world, and wondered if any of them knew she was here, watching over them from above the clouds. She wondered if the lights of the cities would continue to shine long after its people had vanished.

She wondered if she would ever hear the ocean again.

muse: director alpha, rp: splendorocity

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