Title: Torn 5 Pairing: Iker Casillas/Cesc Fabregas Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters displayed. The following never happened. Summary: Iker needs someone to save him. Word Count: 1731
I love so many thing in this fic, all the emotions and cesc being the mature one and the flashbacks that are so painfull and the Sernando subplot.
Favourite line: "The kiss seems to last for hours, but when Cesc finally pulls back, Iker feels like he's not satiated, like he wants more and more until he can fill the empty space inside him that Cesc's been slowly fixing."
Comments 16
Favourite line:
"The kiss seems to last for hours, but when Cesc finally pulls back, Iker feels like he's not satiated, like he wants more and more until he can fill the empty space inside him that Cesc's been slowly fixing."
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Cesc seems to be everything Iker needs after his relationship with David (and yes, I don't like him either. not in this story, at least ¬¬)
Thanks :) I'm glad you liked it.
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Please, Iker, please do something stupid!
This was so lovely, darling! The kiss was... Well, I was grinning like an absolute lunatic. That's a clue to what it was exactly.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for reading! I'm really glad you liked it.
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