No, my icon does not represent how I am feeling.

Feb 27, 2008 08:41

It's just the only one I can use that is not Peanuts-themed. I have been so lazy and uninterested in finding icons that are more appropriate in representing a variety of my tastes. get The Burbs icon ( Read more... )

life in mis'

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Comments 6

iowagirl11 February 27 2008, 16:16:50 UTC
You realize, of course, what I automatically think when my newly wed friend says she has "big news" to share? I will bite my tongue and wait, but I hope you let us know soon!

This other youth minister sounds like she'd be a great friend! If anything, you two can talk shop and moan about the crappy parts of being youth ministers! It's always good to have a friend who does the same thing you do.


narniadear February 28 2008, 00:14:03 UTC
Yeah, what Katie said. :)


one_good_scare February 28 2008, 15:18:26 UTC


one_good_scare February 27 2008, 21:53:37 UTC
I agree. It's funny because we are very similar and think that surprised us when we were talking at lunch the other day. We'll see if either of us can find the energy to hang out with one another. LOL.


theredqueen66 February 28 2008, 00:54:21 UTC
It's sad because I spend TOO MUCH time looking up icons that represent my taste I'm constantly changing them...and could be spending time on something more interesting. I can't help it, icon posts fill my friends pages so it's tempting to look.

I can only hope what your good news is, I can give a guess, but I won't because I'd hate to jinx you. Jinxing sucks to no end. Also, I wish I had free time during the nights with my husband, we're so busy. (I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this comment to turn into a Meagan-centric-mini-post)

OH!!! DID YOU HEAR?! THERE MIGHT BE AN ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT MOVIE!! AAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!! Apparently there's been some excitment generating because Michael Cera is getting big as a star, and people would be more likely to see the movie if he's in it. I'd kill to see GOB on the big screen. "Illusions Michael! Magic tricks are something whores do for money....or cocaine".


one_good_scare February 28 2008, 15:22:20 UTC
Dude, an AD movie would rock to no end. I hope they go there. Until then, I patiently wait and watch my dvds..."They're for British eyes only." "Lucky for you, my whole FACE is British!"

And I like hearing about your life, so no worries! :) but I'm sorry that you and Dan can't spend more free time together. I hope your weekends are free, that would help.


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