No, my icon does not represent how I am feeling.

Feb 27, 2008 08:41

It's just the only one I can use that is not Peanuts-themed. I have been so lazy and uninterested in finding icons that are more appropriate in representing a variety of my tastes. get The Burbs icon. It's not too shabby lately. I may have some big news to share with my LJ, and in turn with the flist but I don't wanna "jinx" it so it's being witheld for a bit until I figure things out.

I have work again today, (what is UP with working 5 days a week?)and it's a late night. I hate working past 5:30pm. The weather turns nastier than during the day and when I walk out to my car I feel like I am catching my death in 11 degree temps. Brrr. However, I can't leave earlier since I have to teach COnfirmation classes tonight and we have Jr. High that I am in charge of. Can I just say that we have NO volunteers except for two or three high schoolers helping? God bless 'em, they come regularly, but are constantly yelling at the kids when they are obnoxious, or text messaging friends. UGH. I wish I had some interested adults in helping to run this program.

No other plans for tonight. My nights are pretty dull, to others' standards. We watch movies(finished Hairspray. Meh.), play board games and generally hang out. We're in bed by 10pm and up at 6(for John) and 8 (for me). It's a consistent and good life. We need some friends, though. LOL. Speaking of, I recently starting working with another youth minister in the area. We're planning a high school lock-in together and she has always seemed very nice. She's my age, even two months older, married to a geeky guy (yay!) and has two little girls. They don't get out much but her and I have hit it off so we'll be planning a few lunch dates and then maybe a dinner outting? We'll see I suppose. It takes so much energy to make friends! LOL.

I don't have much else to say, I already feel like I'm pulling teeth to think up what else to write, so for now, this is it.

life in mis'

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