Original Post/Pilot Episode Here Episode 2: The Thing You Love Most Episode 3: Snow Falls Episode 4: The Price of Gold Episode 5: That Still Small Voice Episode 6: The Shepherd Episode 7: The Heart is a Lonely HunterSpoilers: Everyone should have been able to watch all of Season 1 by now. If you have not, and do not wished to be spoiled, you probably should stay away from these posts. All 22 Episodes of OUAT can be watched on
Hulu (in America), this
turkish website that plays the eps in English, or
TV Duck for free.
Season 2 Spoilers: If you absolutely must reference a Season 2 spoiler, please put it behind a cut! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Desperate Souls 1X8
Summary: Regina and Mr. Gold play dirty politics and take opposite sides when Emma runs for a coveted Storybrooke public office against Sidney. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale world that was, Rumplestiltskin tries to track down the ultimate power source in order to help his son avert the horrors of a meaningless war.
Ilsa's Thoughts: I think this was my favorite Rumpel episode. I loved finally getting some of his backstory. Plus the fact the he and Emma 'teamed up' to fight Regina was epic. :D
What did you think? Oh, and I had diffuclty tracking down gifs for this ep, so if you want to add some in the comments, go ahead! ;D