Cair Paravel: Friday Evening

Nov 07, 2008 18:52

Cair Paravel was almost glowing from all the lights in and around the castle, marking the way clearly for all those travelers coming to the nuptials tomorrow.

The visitors from Fandom and elsewhere were escorted from just the portal just inside the woods to the gates of the castle where they were welcomed warmly and shown to their rooms by an ( Read more... )

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Rehearsal Dinner once_a_king November 8 2008, 00:23:24 UTC
All guests to the wedding are invited. The dinner's in the Great Hall with plenty of room for mingling, eating, and seeing or avoiding old friends.


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 02:28:41 UTC
"Prior to Peter and his family getting here," Willow said. "Which is one of many reasons why I'm not wearing white for the wedding. White and witches and Narnia are all kinds of bad associations and I figure there are enough issues to deal with with the whole Jewish not a royal thing that there's no reason to add fuel to that fire with sartorial choices that all but scream for comparisons to icky bad cold history."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 02:34:48 UTC
"Are there going to be Jewish parts to the ceremony tomorrow?" Dawn asked. "I totally get the whole not wanting to make everyone all oogy on your wedding day. What are you wearing? Can you tell me, or is that a top secret secret?"


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 02:37:28 UTC
"There are!" Willow said. "And the most wonderful thing? Peter was the one who first suggested them. Seriously he is such a keeper. And I have this totally amazing dress that's all blue and gold and perfect. I have to keep it hidden, though. Lu doesn't want Peter seeing it before the ceremony."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 02:40:10 UTC
"Of course he shouldn't! That would be bad luck! And that's so sweet and wonderful, and I'm soooooo happy for you."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 02:42:17 UTC
"Oh!" Willow bounced in her seat as she thought of something. "Did you pack bobby pins?"


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 02:43:59 UTC
"I may have a couple? Why?"


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 02:46:38 UTC
"Can you sneak some on you during the ceremony?" Willow asked. "Because there's going to be crowning and everybody swears it's not going to slip and fall off of my head but I am way more familiar with my head than they are and imagining it falling has been nightmare fuel for a huge long while so if you had bobby pins then I could know that there could be bobby pinning and even if there ends up being no need for pins of a bobby nature it would be a huge relief knowing that I had a bobby pin option."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 02:52:35 UTC
"Consider me your source for all things bobby pin, then." Then, "Whoa, you get a crown???"

It really sank in. "Holy cow, Will. You're gonna be like, a queen. I'm going to be able to tell people about my friend Queen-Willow-who-rules-a-country."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 02:56:58 UTC
"Uh-huh," Willow said. "Ergo the panic. But also the glee at wanting to do things and having the authority to do them. I mean I'm not going to outrank Lu or Su on the Queenly scale but I can still be helpful. They swear I don't have to wear the crown all the time."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 02:59:59 UTC
"Okay, that's all kinds of awesome on bunches of levels," she decided. "Is it a heavy crown?" Was it possible to make more bobby pins? "I guess they'd know. What kind of stuff do they need help doing?"

She would not ask to wear the crown. Even if she really, really wanted to. That was Willow's crown.


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 03:01:40 UTC
"I haven't worn it yet? So I have no idea," Willow said. "And there's all sorts of things with organization and management and magic, to say nothing of slow nudges towards the path of technology."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 03:05:55 UTC
Dawn grinned. "How have you not gone completely crazy yet?"


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 03:07:51 UTC
"Oh I have the hookup," Willow said. "It's just that for now we're keeping it hidden. And thanks to Bridge I don't have to worry about my laptop batteries running out."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner lilpunkinbelly November 8 2008, 03:27:06 UTC
"That is one of his very best things, other than loving Xander like crazy." She had another realization and reached over to hug Willow again. "I like where you guys ended up so much better."


Re: Rehearsal Dinner willbedone November 8 2008, 03:28:09 UTC
Willow hugged Dawn back, touched by her words. "Thanks, Dawnie. That means a lot to me."


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