Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет

Aug 29, 2016 10:28

Я тут как-то писала, чего не было в СССР, а теперь встретились размышления о том, что было. (Слова автора размышлений выделены курсивом).

Cлышал рассуждения двух женщин примерно моего возраста, которые жаловались на нашу медицину, на то, какие болезненные сейчас дети и как проходило их детство в СССР. И вот что я вспомнил.

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Comments 8

Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет livejournal August 29 2016, 16:59:57 UTC
User kzs72 referenced to your post from Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет saying: [...] Оригинал взят у в Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет [...]


Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет livejournal August 29 2016, 17:46:26 UTC
User filin_420 referenced to your post from Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет saying: [...] нал взят у в Что было в СССР, а сейчас нет [...]


matrixmann August 29 2016, 20:09:09 UTC
You know, what you could also do back then, even in the 80s?
Play outside as a child as there was not the big hysteria about child molesters and if talking about that topic, parents got it into you "you don't go with somebody that you don't know, and don't you get hooked by candy or with toys because you can't get them at home!".
There also were no helicopter parents as the parents were busy enough with working and they also considered it a right of their child to also play alone for once and not be always watched by his old people. It also needs to learn by itself to take care of itself. Partly this even still was the case in 90s.
And, something else: You could play such childrens' games like cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, or act the dream of becoming a soldier or a sailor without somebody getting in your way saying "oh, guns and violence are bad, mhkay! you should not wish to for such malicious / dangerous images! better do something PEACEFULLY!"


onb2017 August 30 2016, 03:34:39 UTC
Oh, totally. I was going to add something like this. It was safe to play until late and now I can imagine some pervert will show up and you cannot trust anyone. And helicopter parents are probably partially stemming from that. It is not a good idea to let your child go by themselves to many places. But partially it is the culture of interfering into everything, you are right. Guns too, I agree, boys were playing them and nobody grew violent. On the contrast in the US they don't like violent toys but it does not stop people from mass shootings almost monthly.


matrixmann August 30 2016, 06:36:03 UTC
You now, I've been sharing doubts about this "clininally being clean of violence and putting all things out of the way that can potentially upset children". I think all of this has its meaning in human development - self-evidently, only in size of the right portion ( ... )


onb2017 August 30 2016, 13:34:13 UTC
This makes sense. I agree kids learn through play and learn it hurts when somebody hits you. When games like that are taken away from kids, it is totally some sort of social engineering. I will read your post, I like that it is in German, gives me good practice .


anonymous August 4 2018, 16:25:37 UTC


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