Tangential to the topicstarcat_jewelFebruary 25 2012, 23:37:44 UTC
This is mostly a terminology question. What exactly is meant by "your fandom(s)"? From context, it seems to be more than just being a fan of a show or series, but I've never been able to figure out precisely what it entails. (I'm beginning to think it's like the difference between "costuming" and "cosplay", which people tell me aren't the same thing either but I don't really get why because they look the same to me.)
Maybe a different approach would be more informational. You know me pretty well; if someone were to ask you what my fandoms were, what would you say, and why?
Re: Tangential to the topicomorkaFebruary 26 2012, 00:01:46 UTC
Near as I can tell, the people who think there is a difference between costuming and cosplay are the ones who are doing free-form LARP as the characters they're dressed as, and don't understand that there's a long-standing tradition of doing much the same in Western fan costuming (and that there are plenty of people dressed up as anime characters who aren't doing that).
I think you'd be justified in claiming a fandom as "one of your fandoms" if you just liked the canon a lot, but usually on the Internet it means it's a series/movie/property/game that you actively participate in fannish activities with other fans with - talking about it online or in RL discussion groups, dressing up as the characters & going to cons/sharing photos, writing or reading fic, drawing or viewing fanart, etc.
Re: Tangential to the topicredneckgaijinFebruary 26 2012, 18:09:38 UTC
I think that would make a good meme, and I will do my part.
In my case, three fandoms I'd tag you for would be filk, contradance music, and Joss Whedon. The reason is simple: I've seen you enthusiastic and critical about those, often out of all proportion to a non-fan's perspective. In short, you get a bit fanatic about all three- and that's where the term "fan" comes from in the first place.
In regards to how we got into Eureka, CB brought us the first three episodes a week at a time, and then we didn't get the chance to continue (he wasn't at his folks place often enough to get it taped, and then ... ). It got backburnered as a result until the DVDs hit the next year, at which point we went through season 1 all the way through with Quantum Clan, and that Summer you devoured the season 1 box with all the extras.
Right, I remembered we did Season 2 with Quantum Clan, but I'd forgotten we did the DVD of Season 1 with them, too. *glares at ellipsis, hopes it'll go away*
Comments 5
Maybe a different approach would be more informational. You know me pretty well; if someone were to ask you what my fandoms were, what would you say, and why?
I think you'd be justified in claiming a fandom as "one of your fandoms" if you just liked the canon a lot, but usually on the Internet it means it's a series/movie/property/game that you actively participate in fannish activities with other fans with - talking about it online or in RL discussion groups, dressing up as the characters & going to cons/sharing photos, writing or reading fic, drawing or viewing fanart, etc.
In my case, three fandoms I'd tag you for would be filk, contradance music, and Joss Whedon. The reason is simple: I've seen you enthusiastic and critical about those, often out of all proportion to a non-fan's perspective. In short, you get a bit fanatic about all three- and that's where the term "fan" comes from in the first place.
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