Hey, not sure if anyone's still following this journal here or not. Most of the action happens over on DreamWidth these days, although I crosspost a few things (almost all friendslocked). A lot of it is pseudo-personal Pagan stuff. I'd love to do fannish discussion over there, but most of my fandoms are poorly represented on DW, more's the pity
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I've made a list of 15 characters. You give me a prompt of the sort "1 and 5 go into a bar, who drinks whom under the table and why is 9 the one getting called for bail?" I will respond with a snippet of ficcet.
Not exactly a meme, but redneckgaijin did a post in which he ranked his preferred Doctors, and I thought I'd do something similar, albeit somewhat less linear.
Dishonorable Mention: The "extra Nines," Rowan Atkinson and Richard Grant. The second for presumably obvious reasons, and the first because I hate Atkinson with the fire of a thousand sentient and
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I have just put a loaf pan full of batter into the toaster oven. Everybody pray that this does not end terribly badly.
And while I'm waiting to find out, here's a fandom meme ganked from bearit:
1. Think of up to 20 ships you support. 2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names. 3. Have your audience guess as
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This is the clip from this week's HIMYM with Ernie Hudson in it. For some reason (*glances significantly at icon*), this version's been flipped left to right, reversing the "For Sale" sign.
No idea how long the YouTube link will be live - hopefully long enough for folks to see it, as it really is cute.
So I got in my Yuletide nominations. Just in case anyone was interested, they were RGB (characters: Ray, Egon, Janine, Winston), Last Starfighter (Alex, Grig, Centauri, the Beta Unit), and Phonogram (Seth, Silent Girl, Kohl, Emily
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I posted a version of this comment elsewhere a while ago, but: there have been several people drawing parallels between fandom and folk religion. The existence of the Thor movie - that is, a film based on a comic book based on Norse religion and folklore - has made things interestingly complicated in that department
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