I have just put a loaf pan full of batter into the toaster oven. Everybody pray that this does not end terribly badly.
And while I'm waiting to find out, here's a fandom meme ganked from
1. Think of up to 20 ships you support.
2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
3. Have your audience guess as many of the ships as they can.
4. Fandom hints will be given if asked in the comments.
Let's see if I can actually think of 20 ships I care strongly enough about to list. Warning: some of these may not be strict pairings - I do poly!ship.
1) A humble gardner stands by his master to the very end.
2) He's a hunter; she's a soldier - it was only natural that the guns would bring them together.
3) So he wasn't his maker; can you blame him for worshipping him anyway?
4) There aren't that many cowboy scientists in the world; it was their karma to end up working together.
5) An unstoppable force meeting an infinitely yielding object.
6) They'd danced together since they were kids; now, she grabbed both their hands and danced between them.
7) The captain, the doctor, the first officer, and the ship.
8) The captain, the doctor, two sides of a war, and a class gulf only being on the wrong side of the law could bridge.
9) The captain, the last of his race, the shopgirl, and the ship.
10) Two AIs - he's in the media, she's former military.
11) Being in love with your best friend can be tough, especially when he's not precisely real (not to mention your little sister butting in).
12) A bumbling military commander and his right-hand sycophant (and would-be replacement)
13) A nobel-prize winning CEO and his right-hand sycophant (who replaces him much farther down the line)
14) Five strong hearts in the happy ending machine, saving the world a few times a year.
15) A fool and a fop, both the sons of powerful men, seperated and then reuinted by their cousin's troubles.
16) Sure, there's a boy between the pitcher and the batter, but they both deserve so much better than him - why not each other?
17) A knight, a prince, and a girl from far away with a pendulum, a deck of cards, and a killer time on the 100-yard dash.
18) Work romances never really work, especially when he's also your father-figure. The laser guns and aliens didn't help.
19) Sure, people change - but this reporter's main squeeze is a completely different man from the one she met.
20) They were servants of the same master, and doing the nasty was what they were here for - when they did it, everyone else felt the earth move.
Well, the pound cake is not a success - it rose high enough to hit the heating element and almost set off the smoke alarm. Ah, well. I think a half-recipe might work, but I'm not going to try it tonight.